We aim to promote homework as an essential part of a good education. We want to develop in our students a work ethic that is characterised by an engagement in learning and a commitment to doing their best. Homework has the potential not only to reinforce independence but also help to develop skills and attitudes students need to be successful and beyond their time at St Katherine’s
We use the Class Charts online portal to set homework, both students and parents/carers are given unique Class Charts logins so they can keep up to date with homework tasks. If you have more than one child at the school, or multiple schools, you can use the same parent account to view updates for all your children.
Time spent on homework
As a guide, Year 7 should spend one hour per night on homework; Year 8 one hour fifteen minutes; Year 9 one hour 30 minutes; Year 10 and 11 up to two hours. You will need to spend more time on homework around coursework deadlines and exam revision.
Completing homework
Parents receive feedback on their child’s homework record as part of the progress check cycle.
Failure to complete homework or failure to complete it to an acceptable standard will be logged centrally by class teachers and a PL detention will be issued to complete the work.
Notification letters will be sent home to parents of students who persistently do not complete homework and we will request a meeting with you if there is no improvement. This is because not keeping up with Home Learning may have begun to have a detrimental effect on the student’s progress in their subject.
We use the Hegarty Maths interactive website for all maths homework. The website features thousands of practice questions and carefully planned tutorial videos designed to support students as they work towards mastering maths at St Katherine’s.
Each week every student will be assigned one task requiring them to recall a skill they have previously seen in class. They will have a homework exercise book which they need to present to their maths teacher at the start of each week to demonstrate the method they have used. This student guide explains how to access the site and any work set.