'PSHE education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.’ PSHE Association 2019 

Taught through both timetabled PSHE (KS3) and Society and Culture (KS4) lessons, as well as the Citizenship, Money and Careers sessions in the school tutor programme, the PSHCE curriculum at St Katherine’s aims to provide a coherent programme of personal, social, health, economic and careers education from year 7 to 13 that effectively prepares students for life in the modern world and enables them to enjoy safe and happy relationships while they learn.

We give students the opportunity to study, discuss and reflect upon a number of key areas including:

  • Their identity, personal qualities, attitudes, skills and attributes

  • Their relationships, including online

  • Their physical, emotional and mental health

  • Their ability to manage risk and safety in an increasingly connected world

  • Their attitudes to diversity and equality in all its forms

  • Their understanding of rights, responsibilities and consent

  • Their ability to manage change and increase resilience when faced with challenging change or circumstance

  • Their understanding of power: how it is used and encountered in a variety of contexts including online

  • Their career; including enterprise, employability and economic understanding.

PSHE provides great opportunities for the pupils to learn in order to be successful in the world of work, in relationships forged throughout life and as a valued contributor to society as a whole. These tools consist of knowledge gained, behaviours learned and skills mastered and it is our job to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to develop these attributes through their school experience. 

There is a significant contribution in PSHE, to pupils’ SMSC development. The subject promotes personal development by helping pupils to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions. It provokes challenging questions and encourages them to be curious about the world around them.

The curriculum is continually evolving in response to priorities identified in school self-evaluation, as well as in response to changing government legislation. Through student voice via anonymous surveys and focus groups, content is updated so that it is always relevant and responsive to current affairs and social changes that affect our students. Members of the Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion group have consulted on content regarding race, mental health and LGBTQ+ issues so that language and tone remains inclusive and supportive of all.