For any issue relating to SEND contact:
Flora Slater SENDCo Tel: 01275 373737 |
If your child has SEND and you would like access to independent help, support or advice please click on the link
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
We welcome students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at St Katherine’s School and provide support tailored to the needs of the learner. As well as providing in class support, we run a number of small group interventions including spelling, reading, handwriting groups, lego therapy and emotional literacy support such as zones of regulation.
We ensure that classroom and extra curricular activities encourage the participation of all pupils, including those with SEND. We have an accessible site with wheelchair access which ensures that all areas of the school can be accessed by those with mobility issues. We also have lift access within our double storey buildings.
Our support for vulnerable learners comprises our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator), Assistant SENDCO, Literacy Intervention Mentor, Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, a team of Learning Support Assistants and a Student Counsellor
Where a parent/carer or pupil has a concern about the SEND provision that is being made, this should first be addressed to the SENDCo, Mrs Slater, Every effort will be made to ensure a response is received within five working days. Please see the SEND Policy 'Managing Complaints' section.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report
Please click on the link below for our Special Needs and Disabilities Information Report.
Bristol Local Offer
Please click on the link below for details
Bristol Local Offer
North Somerset Local Offer
Please click on the link below for details
North Somerset Local Offer