Term 5 Newsletter - May 2019 |
Message from Mr Humphreys, Headteacher |
Term 5 is a short but intense term as we prepare Year 11 (above) and Year 13 students for their GCSE and A Level examinations.
Our staff do everything they can to help every single student prepare to give them the best chance of success. We ask our young people to do their best and they are certainly giving it everything which is both encouraging and rewarding to see. The half term is a welcome break for these students to relax and prepare for the next phase of exams after the break. We wish them all good luck.
Our first House Celebration Evenings were a major highlight this term. The evenings offered us all a chance to recognise and reward the efforts and achievements of pupils from every House. The tutee of the year awards were a particular highlight as tutors spoke so warmly about the qualities of the award winners.
Hopefully you will have already seen details about plans to make the school a mobile free zone. Change is always tricky but we are confident this is a positive move for our school community. Studies show it is important for all of us time to regulate time spent on devices. We have been concerned for a while about the distractions caused by mobiles, inappropriate use of social media including cyberbullying and will be phasing in our new policy during Term 6. Please remember, if you need to contact your child/ren during the school day just call 01275 373737 and provision will be in place if your child/ren needs to contact you.
Looking ahead to next term, please make a note in your diary for the SKAMPS live music event on 28 June at 7pm. SKAMPS (St Katherine’’s Music Parent Supporters) raise funds for the Music Department and over the years have raised over £20,000 for musical instruments, equipment, workshops and musical tuition. They have been fundraising for a new piano this year and we are delighted that this will arrive next term. SKAMPS are a great asset to St Katherine’s so please come along and enjoy a great evening of musical talent. Tickets are on sale at the Student Support Office and Pill Post Office.
There isn’t enough space here to showcase the huge variety of student experiences and achievements this term. Keep up to date by visiting the ‘News and Events’ section on the school website, check the school Facebook page or follow us on Twitter @stkathsschool.
Wishing everyone a safe and restful half term break.
A term full of amazing performances |
In keeping with St Katharine's' tradition of great performing arts there have been two excellent productions this term
Year 7 and 6th form elective students collaborated on a production of 'Alice meets Wonderland' (pictured above) developed at the extra-curricular performing arts club led by 6th form elective students who want to inspire others with their love of the arts and give something back to students in lower years. Year 13 students Bella and Ty Cornick led the project ably supported by fellow Year 13s Amy Smith, Grace Stepanuik, Georgia Holbrook and Mia Reed plus a highly motivated, energetic group of Year 7s.
Plus we finished the term with the first ever St Katherine's Performing Arts Festival with students from all year groups performing their own songs and choreography plus pop and musical medleys accumulating in one final group performance of 'From now on' from the Greatest Showman.
It truly was an amazing evening. Thank you to everyone who came along and all the student performers: Daisy Money, India Sydenham, Lily Morris, Molly Green, Hetty Cleaver, Isabelle Oliver, Issy Prime, Isobel Taylor, Ruby Aczel, Edith Powell, Abbie Wring, Tamzen McCombie, Maya MacCallum, Lizzy Wood, Maisie Gyselynck, Grace Stepaniuk, Ashley Stephens, Fearne Savy, Willow Estcourt, Olivia Wilshire, Isabelle Oliver and Mia Reed. Special mention goes to Grace Stepaniuk (Year 13) who taught and rehearsed harmonies and solo parts with performers.
A huge well done to you all.
Mrs Collins and Mrs Adams, Performing Arts Department
Sixth Form update
Student Leadership Team
We have appointed our new sixth form leadership team and house leaders. Congratulations to Faith Clarke (above left) who will be St Katherine’s Head Student, with Drew Hastings (above right) and Kyra Beattie working alongside as sixth form leaders. The students spoke about student well-being and the school environment in their interviews and will be working to develop the good work we have already begun in these areas.
'Step into Sixth Form' day Monday 24 June
This is great opportunity for our new year 12 applicants to experience a day in the life of a sixth form student.
Students will attend lessons in their chosen subjects to get a flavour of how sixth form students learn and study and help them hit the group running in September.
Any Year 11 students who would like to join 'Step into Sixth Form' day and have not yet applied to St Katherine’s Sixth Form should contact Mr Colebourne colebournes@skdrive.org
Library Resource Centre news
After recovering from World Book Day fun, the LRC is straight into the next project, our annual Carnegie Award shadowing group.
The Carnegie Award is one of the longest running awards for writing for young people. Each year a group of students read their way through the eight books on the shortlist. It's a mammoth undertaking for the students who have around 15 weeks to read all the titles.
The shortlist this year is as diverse as ever, showcasing some of the very best writing for children and young people published in the past year. It’s interesting to see how the shortlisted books reflect current trends in publishing – three titles on this year's shortlist are written in a poetry format.
Twelve students are taking part this year and they each capture their thoughts and score each book when they finish it. The scores are combined to give our overall St Katherine's favourite book. There are a few contenders at the moment and it's too close to call.
We're looking forward to hearing the winning announcement on 17 June to see if Carnegie judges agree with our student panel!
Ms Wyld, School Librarian
Students commended by the Headteacher this term |
Alice in Wonderland - Drama club production
Bella Cornick, Ty Cornick, Grace Stepanuik, Amy Smith, Georgia Holbrook - all Year 13
Community Award
Faith Sherwood, Year 11
Gold Award in Royal Society of Biology Challenge
Natasha Borland, Judit Molnar, Bruno Thomasset, Seren Kay, Finch Talbot-Ponsonby
Reading Millionaires
Charlie Thoburn, and Amelia Marlow - Year 7
Noticeboard |
STEM family challenge
Pupils and their families showed off their engineering skills in the STEM Family Challenge, hosted by the Engineering Development Trust. Given the task to build a rollercoaster out of card teams of parent/carers and students produced some impressive, creative designs. The evening was also a chance to find out about careers in engineering.
As one parent said " I wanted to say thanks for organising this great event, we had a very enjoyable and challenging evening."
School Summer Open Evening, 20 June
If you or anyone one you know is considering St Katherine's for their child/ren the Summer Open Evening is a great opportunity to see what life at St Katherine's is like. It's a little bit different to the September Open Evening - after a presentation by Mr Humphreys visitors follow a timetable of mini-taster lessons to give them first hand experience of how our students learn.
Reserve your place.
SKAMPS Live event 28 June, 7pm
SKAMPS ((St Katherine’’s Music Parent Supporters) fundraise tirelessly to support music at St Katherine's so please come along to their annual showcase of student musical talent. Tickets are £5 and £3 and available from Student Support Office and Pill Post Office.
X4 bus service
For the last four weeks the First Bus X4 service has come into St Katherine’s School at the end of the school day for students to board. The change has been well received by students, staff and members of the public and First have put the same driver on the route so students are greeted with a familiar face each afternoon. We'd like to thank First for their positive collaboration to make this happen.
We'll be asking students for feedback on all school buses at the beginning of next term.
Scholars uniform sale, 3 July and 15 August
Our uniform suppliers will be in school during the Year 6 induction evening on 3 July, 6-8.30pm and on A level results day, 15 August between 10.30am and 2pm. You can also order online or visit their shop at 4 Terrace Walk, Bath BA1 1LN Tel: 01225 462205
Celebrity chefs fine-dining event at The Leaf |
Our Hospitality students will get the chance to work alongside celebrity chefs at a special fundraising event for Penny Brohn on Thursday 27 June.
Three top Bristol chefs - Josh Eggleton, Toby Gritton and Louise McCrimmon - will each prepare a course for the event's fine-dining menu in The Leaf kitchen. We are really pleased to support Penny Brohn with this event and very excited that students will get an unique opportunity to learn first-hand from some of the best local chefs.
Tickets for the event cost £65 which include a drinks reception, hors d'oeuvres and live music. To enjoy a unique evening of dining and support a great cause book your ticket now.
If you can't make the Penny Brohn event there's still plenty of opportunity to treat yourself to a high quality, very affordable meal at The Leaf during Term 6. Here's the menu for 6 June - 4 July (excluding 27 June) We're always popular so book soon by calling 01275 373737, email theleaf@skdrive.org or visit The Leaf website
St Katherine's Houses- Term 5 updates |
As we end Term 5 the House competition couldn't be much closer with only 37 points between all four Houses and Yousafzai and Stephenson currently sharing the lead. It's going to be interesting to see who comes out as House Champions at the end of Term 6!
We're also finalising the Year 10 students who will be 2019/20 House Leaders - more details next term.
Read the Heads of House updates for a term full of House Celebration Evenings and Year 11 exams. Pankhurst House - Mr Murdoch, Stephenson House- Mr Thomas, Turing House - Ms Price and Yousafzai House - Ms Andrews.
Sport and PE - Term 5 highlights |
In the shortest school term of the year students have been equally as busy in PE!
- Our Year 9 and 10 sports leaders have been exceptional this term! Between them they have led three different primary school festivals including laser run, fencing, tri-gol, archery, cycling and girls football! All up they have provided sporting opportunities for well in excess of 500 primary students from as many as 20 different primary schools this term - now that is impressive!
- Girls and boys have both been in cricketing action this term. Congratulations to the U13 girls and U14 boys who are still in their cup competitions.
- Athletes from Year 8, 9 and 10 recently competed at the North Somerset Championships with some exceptional team and individual performances! Our Year 8 boys and girls teams have both qualified for the Super 6s, the outdoor equivalent of the Sportshall Athletics they did so well in earlier this year. There were some exceptional performances from a whole range of individual athletes but special mentions to Tyrese Bracey, Ben Lumoso, Tikia Mack and Daisy Wilkinson for performances which earned them selection to represent North Somerset later this year.
- The recent Athletics Championships bought the best out of our athletes with three school records falling and one being equalled. Congratulations to Daisy Wilkinson (300m), Ruby Gray (long jump), Ben Lumoso (long jump) and Tyrese Bracey (100m) for their amazing performances! We have also seen new Best in School performances from Asha Storer (100m), Daisy Money (high jump), Isobel Taylor (shot), Kanye Christie (300m) and Max Andrews (discus). With so much of the summer term left, we are sure that more records will fall. After all, records are there to be broken!
Mr Cook, Head of PE
Term 6 - dates for your diary |
- 3 June: TERM 6 STARTS
- 6 June: Paris trip parent/carer information evening, 6-7pm
- 13 June: Year 10 Future Quest trip - celebration event
- w/c 17 June: Year 10 mock exams
- w/c 17 June: Pankhurst charity week
- 18 June: Year 7 ‘Great Science Share’ trip to UWE
- 20 June: Summer Open Evening, 6-8.20pm
- 21 June: Year 9 Future Quest trip - Outdoor team building event
- 21 June: Sixth Form Prom at Avon George Hotel, 6.30-11pm
- w/c 24 June: Year 10 mock exams
- 24 June: Step into Sixth Form day
- 25 June: Year 11 Prom at Leigh Court, 7-11pm
- 28 June: SKAMPS Live Music event, 7-9pm
- 1 July: Year 12 Future Quest trip to 'We the Curious'
- 2 & 3 July: Year 6 induction days
- 3 July: Year 6 Induction evening/Scholars selling uniform 6-8.30pm
- w/c: 8 July: Activities Week/Year 10 Work Experience Week
- w/c 8 July: Year 7 trip to Paris/ Year 9 trip to Barcelona
- 9 July: Wimbledon trip
- 9 July: Year 12 indoor climbing trip
- 11 July: Year 12 careers trip to Lloyds Bank
- 12 July: Paris and Barcelona trips return
- 15 July: Year 10 Future Quest trip to London
- 17 July: Year 9 Future Quest trip to Clifton Suspension Bridge
- 19 July: END OF TERM. School finishes at 1.25pm (buses leave at 1.30pm)
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