Term 4 - March 2024 |
Message from Mr Humphreys, Headteacher |
Where has Term 4 gone? is the question both staff and students are asking as we approach the last day. The term has been packed full of our curriculum delivery with much to celebrate as we begin a rather early Easter break on Thursday. The last week of term has continued to combine education and performance with our community Iftar on Monday evening and our Trust Concert at the Bristol Beacon for the first time on Tuesday.
Each year the community Iftar (breaking of the fast for Muslims during Ramadan) brings us together with colleagues and families from Bristol Cathedral Choir School to reflect on the meaning of Ramadan and the importance of fasting. Presentations from St Katherine’s students and a representative from the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society, highlighted the importance of Ramadan within the Islamic faith, the strength of community and the importance of helping one another. Something for us all to reflect on and thank you to Mrs Gill for supporting the students and community Iftar.
The first Trust Concert, Music Makers, at the Bristol Beacon was a huge success with some wonderful performances throughout the evening. Our St Katherine’s musicians, especially our Trailblazers, will remember this evening for many years to come and we trust the families present enjoyed both the impressive performances and first class venue. There were many exceptional performances from young people all at different musical levels, culminating with the CST Symphony Orchestra to close the evening. Well done to all concerned and a special thank you to Miss Adams, Head of Music, for all her hard work in preparing and encouraging students in the build up and on the day - we all recognise successful events like this only happen as a result of the efforts of staff.
I was inspired this term by Faria and Anita who asked if they could see me at lunchtime on Wednesday 6 March. Within minutes Faria and Anita had convinced me that, within 48 hours, they would be able to pull off a cake sale to raise money for UNICEF and raise awareness of the suffering in Gaza. By Thursday lunchtime the posters were up and the message had been spread throughout our community. On Friday, breaktime and lunchtimes the cake sale was in full flow with contributions from across the school flooding in and plenty of students and staff looking for a sweet treat. This reminded me about our strong sense of community at St Katherine’s along with our support of always believing in our students to make events happen. Well done Faria and Anita.
Other activities this term have included further mock exams, Year 9 students considering their options, Year 7 developing and demonstrating their cycling skills with Bikeability, Trailblazers Band Camp, GCSE Drama and Food and Nutrition exams, Spring Sports Week, Rotary Club Swimathon, World Book Day and much more. We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and a great reminder of all the opportunities for young people each term - please encourage your child/children to get involved.
I would like to wish you and your families a very enjoyable and relaxing Easter break. We look forward to welcoming students back through our gates on Monday 15 April (Week 1), ready for Term 5.
Justin Humphreys, Headteacher
National Careers Week
National Careers Week (NCW), which took place from 4th to 11th March 2024, is a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people leaving education.
At St Katherine's we were very busy with a number of activities and events during NCW:
- All teaching staff delivered at least one careers themed activity across the week within their lessons
- Group sessions on T Levels from Weston College
- STEM workshop for Year 8 from Evona
- Sixth Form enrichment session on Successful Communication Strategies from Law Firm Michelmores
- Year 10 enrichment session "University, what is it all about?" delivered by Bath University
- Pop-up shop in the refectory providing students with information about careers in the police force
- Sixth Form assembly from Evona about the Space industry
Parents can be unsure of their teen's options after GCSE or Sixth Form so The Parents' Guide to, in partnership with National Careers Week, has created a free guide giving an overview of what’s available at ages 16 and 18 and summarizing different routes teens can take into the workplace. Parents and students were also able to sign up for a virtual National Careers Fair during NCW.
We're already looking forward to NCW 2025!
Miss Gardiner, Careers Leader
Trailblazers bandcamp
42 Trailblazers students from Year 7 took part in the CST Trailblazers bandcamp day held at Trinity Academy on Wednesday 21st February. We were joined by Trailblazers students from Bristol Cathedral Choir School and Trinity Academy. This meant we had a combined group of instrumentalists of over 100 students!
Our Trailblazers students enjoyed a series of workshops delivered by members of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama on the following instruments: flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and French horn. It was lovely to see all the flautists from the different schools in their workshop getting to know each other and learning from each other.
In the evening our students performed in the concert. Each school performed on their own and St Katherine’s School performed three pieces: Merrily We Roll Along, Lightly Row and Bingo. Then came the grand finale with ALL Trailblazers students from across the three schools coming together for some massed joint performances; Balkanatico, Mad For It and a Queen inspired medley called Power Rock!
A huge thank you and well done to all our fantastic Trailblazers students who were an absolute credit to the school. I received lots of compliments about their fantastic behaviour during the day and their performance in the evening.
Miss Adams, Head of Music
Cathedral Schools Trust Iftar |
Colleagues from BCCS and St Katherine's School hosted the 8th Community Iftar on Monday 25th March. A wonderful Ramadan Sharing Festival centered around the theme "The Power of Community".
Guest speakers included Rizwan from Bristol Muslim Cultural Society, Shamil from Babassa and Islamic Relief and Ron Mendel from Jewish Voices for Peace. They spoke about the importance of community on local and international levels and our role as Global Citizens. Dr Norah El Gohary shared some insightful and thought provoking poems from Palestinian students who attend Bristol Cathedral Choir School.
The highlight of the evening was most definitely presentations from students! Musab Warsame has memorized the entire Quran over the last 10 years and he shared a recitation from the Quran which was translated by Marwan Culusow. Both boys did so with such grace and poise and really showcased the best of St Katherine's. Faria Azim shared an insightful piece of writing on what Ramadan means to a young Muslim student.
The evening was rounded off with some wonderful food from Bristol Sweet Mart. Guests shared that they felt inspired and energized and thoroughly enjoyed their evening. A huge thank you to Stephen Fuller and the staff body at BCCS for making this event possible.
St Katherine's English teacher, Miss Campbell, reflected "It was heartwarming to see such a sense of community which spanned from the elders to the young teens just starting their fast for the first year. To hear our Muslim students speak passionately about their faith showed resilience as well as confidence to articulate their beliefs and showcase their talent - paritcularly Musab reciting the Quran!"
Mrs Gill, Deputy Head of House
Year 12 looking to the future
45 Year 12 students enjoyed a busy morning at the UK University Search Fair at Ashton Gate at the end of February. There were exhibitors from universities and education providers from across the country as well as information on apprenticeships and from employers such as the army and police. Students were able to talk to representatives about courses on offer and future career prospects as well as pick up lots of promotional bags! The visit is part of a programme of events and activities to support our students make choices about their options after sixth form.
Ms Gorman, Marketing and Communications Adviser
Cake sale for Gaza
Students Faria and Anita organised a cake sale on 8th March to raise awareness and funds for UNICEF to support their work with the people of Gaza. The total raised from the cake sale was an impressive £380.38 - well done Faria and Anita for organising the event and thanks to everyone in our school community who baked and bought cakes.
Neurodiversity Week
Huge congratulations to Jasmine Perry, 7P1, for her stunning winning entry to the Neurodiversity poster competition. The competition was to celebrate and promote Neurodiversity Week, Jasmine's poster was used around the school to celebrate neurodiversity within our community.
Year 7 Bikeability
Year 7 students have recently undertaken training to develop skills for cycling on complex, busy or fast roads and junctions. Given the terrible weather in the final week of term we're particularly impressed by their efforts and resilience battling the elements! Well done for achieving Level 3 Bikeability to:
- Jonah Desyllas, 7P1
- Lily Ackerman-Rice, 7P1
- Dom Kocsis, 7P1
- Jasmine Perry, 7P1
- Bess Greenacre, 7P1
- Ella Bolton, 7P1
- Curtis Pemberton, 7P2
- Lola Ackerman-Rice, 7P2
- Callum Gibbard, 7P2
- Emma Matthews, 7P2
- Connor Davis, 7P2
- Serena-Summer Challis, 7P2
- Izzy Tryfonos, 7S
- Wild Fellowes, 7S
- Jasper Kelly, 7S
- Emily Britton, 7S
- Alice Reid, 7S
- Baptiste Herzog, 7T
- Bruce Malnas, 7T
- Phoebe Charlewood, 7T
- Blossom Griffiths, 7T
- Azumi Lucas, 7T
- Billy Morgan, 7T
- Monty Hole, 7Y1
- Ronnie Golder, 7Y1
- Frankie weeks, 7Y1
- Liam Green, 7Y1
- Jess Mawer, 7Y1
- Isabella Smith, 7Y2
- Andrew Warner, 7Y2
- Hamish Culverhouse, 7Y2
- Finn Blankeney, 7Y2
- Lilli Bryant, 7Y2
- Sasa Kaman, 7Y2
Year 12 have a taste of university life
On 20th March our Year 12 students enjoyed an exciting opportunity, as they were welcomed to the University of the West of England for a day of looking to the future.
The sessions and workshops took place in the University's Education building - part of the entrance is decorated with biographies of some of the faculty's star students including our very own Miss Richards who did her MA in Education at UWE.
Across a range of sessions and workshops, students were given pointers on how to choose HE courses and the benefits of going to university, our students were really engaged with the activities and made insightful contributions - both St Kath's and UWE staff were really impressed!
UWE's student ambassadors did an excellent job of making us feel welcome and led a tour of the university's state-of-the-art campus, including seeing a racing car in the engineering labs. St Kath's sixth formers picked up some useful tips from the ambassadors about joining clubs and societies, student accommodation and how to enjoy a student social life. They even spotted a company running a product promotion outside the Students' Union - the bumper bags of freebie crisps went down very well!
Ms Gorman, Marketing and Communications Adviser
Sixth Form Update |
This term’s newsletter update is coming to you from the gardens of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where I have accompanied four wonderful Year 12 students on an overnight residential visit as part of the HE+ Programme. I am pleased to say that, unlike last year, there were no arguments at waking up time and the students are currently touring King’s College as I write this note.
It’s been a lovely trip, one of several enrichment opportunities that have taken place this term: as well as visiting speakers from the RAF, a FIFA data analyst, and talks on career opportunities in the space industry and with the National Grid, students have also been on a marketing trip to Cadbury’s World, on a day-long visit to the University of the West of England for a taster of university life, had a visit from the Director of Admissions at Trinity Hall, Cambridge to talk about applying for elite universities and are also look forward to a visit to Exeter College, Oxford in Term 5. We have been busy!
But before they get to university, there is the small matter of exams and this will now be at the forefront of the mind of every student in Year 13. As I keep reminding them - slightly ominously, but you’ve got to create a sense of urgency! - each day we tick closer to that first summer A Level exam (Geography on May 16th, 24 school days at the last count), so every single day, every lesson, every study period and every session of independent revision matters. We’re in the end game now, and it’s time for Year 13 to step up and fulfil their enormous potential.
For our vocational subjects, exam results from January are already in and it’s been a hugely satisfying and impressive set of outcomes. Due to the nature of the BTEC qualifications, we are now able to confidently project final grades, bar those who will be resitting past exams in the summer. The students have done brilliantly and should be very proud, with special praise going to both Ms Wilsher and Mrs Shephard for masterfully guiding these students over the last couple of years - two exceptional colleagues who I know the students are very grateful to have in their corner.
Year 13 - the next couple of months are going to be tough, some of the toughest of your life. But if you work hard, dig in and do yourself justice, you are going to be so glad you did this time next year when you’re approaching the end of your first year at uni, in an apprenticeship or in employment. Give it your all and you’ll be grand.
Have a great Easter break. See you on the other side,
Mr Davies, Head of Sixth Form
Drama students enjoy a live performance
Our Year 11 GCSE Drama students took part in an enjoyably scary trip to the Theatre Royal in Bath earlier this month, to see Susan Hill's The Woman In Black. This was a fantastically-acted two-hander and perfect for our students to enjoy, while also gaining vital insight into a live theatre production - part of their upcoming GCSE exam.
Mrs Lomax, English and Drama Teacher
St Katherine's hits the slopes!
St Katherine's students and staff were delighted with the return of the ski trip - our first since February 2020! 80 students from Years 8-11 enjoyed a week in the Italian alpine resort of Folgaria, both on the slopes and with the apres ski karaoke!
Well done Ellie
Year 12 student Ellie Baker continued her fundraising efforts in Term 4. She organised a cake sale raising £110 towards her trip to attend the World Affairs seminar in Wisconsin this summer. Ellie has now met her target and will be off in to the US in June - we can't wait to hear all about it!
Headteacher commendations |
Key Stage 3
Year 7: Fleur Bennerson, Lily Hutchison Rosario and Alfie Stenner.
Year 8: Jack Weston, Elsa Thorp, Isla Powell, Freddie Hayes, Aidan Butler, Devon Davis, Emmie Bobby, Maddison Lovett, Louis Garland, Michal Spurrell, Isabelle Turner, Amelie Whalley and Lara Mohan.
Year 9: Vesper Peate.
Key Stage 4 and 5
Year 10: Liam Horton, Tobi Hanks-McMorrow, Ellie Stallard, Ben Palmer, Amie Young, Isabella Norman and Solomon Shilton.
Year 11: Declan West, Zakary Olivier, Emilia Nunn, Olive Pearson, Theeban Mahesan, Sofia Hawkesby, Isobelle Bennett and Musab Warsame.
Sixth Form: Reuben O' Donnell and Ellie-Mai Herbert.
News from the Library Resource Centre |
Celebrating our Accelerated Reader success
Congratulations to our latest students to reach this impressive target in term 4
- 7Y1 Fleur
- 8T1 Isla
- 8S2 Freddie
- 8T2 Aidan
We took time in term 4 to congratulate those students who have quizzed exceptionally, and gone beyond an amazing two million words. - Our multi-millionaires! Each student has received some chocolate and a book of their choice:
- 7Y2 Hamish
- 7S Plum
- 7Y2 Finn
- 7S Olivia
- 7S Wilf
- 7S Jarra
- 8T2 Walter
- 8S2 Eve
This really is an incredible achievement - well done all!
Yoto Carnegie book award shadowing group
The shortlist of titles has just been announced and we held our first meeting on 18th March. Our group of 15 students from Year 8 up has undertaken to read through all eight titles, evaluating each one as they go and writing reviews for the award website. This year's list contains four verse novels and a really diverse range of subjects. The students' favourite title will be submitted as our group vote once we are at the end of this 14 week process. This is a really challenging undertaking for students, but we have a brilliant group and we really hope they love taking part.
World Book Day - 7th March
Plans to celebrate this annual event always involve a range of different events and competitions so we can spend time celebrating all things books and reading with staff and students.
Waterstones Bookfair - unusually, this took place a few days before World Book Day itself this year. Our regular Waterstones' bookseller brought a huge range of titles for students to browse through and be inspired by. It was a really busy couple of days, with lots of books bought, as well as loads of the specially produced books swapped for vouchers.
House competition - students and staff were challenged to work out the book titles from the clues.
Book brunch - one of our favourite events! Students signed up to spend morning registration reading their book in the Library and enjoying a breakfast roll. A lovely, relaxed way to start the day.
Mystery story - Year 7 students enjoyed a mystery story unfolding with an episode read to them during each lesson through the day.
House Championship |
As we approach the end of term 4, there is still lots of activity in the House Championship that won't be decided until the very last day of term. However, as I write this, with three days to go before our Easter break, I know that everyone will be motivated to do their best because the race to be House Champions 2024 is tight.
Stephenson, once again are in the lead and earned 200 points for finishing first in this term's ethos competition which was punctuality. We expect all students to show respect, resilience and responsibility by arriving at lessons on time. Therefore we recognise the importance of punctuality by making it such an important competition in our schedule.
The spring sports inter house competitions have been in full swing this week and students have turned out to give their best for their house. These events really help cement a sense of belonging as students from different tutor groups come together to represent their house.
This term's sporting calendar has included football and hockey - the results for these are yet to be decided but students have also had the opportunity to try something different too. Junior Boccia for example which Turing won with Pankurst in second place, Yousafzai in third and Stephenson in fourth. Also Ninja Warrior which saw a win for Stephenson with Turing in second place, Pankhurst in third and Yousafzai in fourth.
Our Fun Fix Friday competitions included memorising Pi to the most digits (a win for Yousafzai) activities around World Book Day (Pankhurst were victorious here) and a quiz with an International Women's Day theme. Pankhurst, perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly given their icon's life work, took the win.
So with the accelerated reader and reading log results to come along with the final sports competitions of the week, it is still all to play for. Just 42 points separate first and second place and a lead this narrow could be overturned in the final days of term as the results roll in.
Mrs Crocker, Assistant Headteacher
Pankhurst House Update |
My optimism about the end of the miserable weather that I expressed in my last newsletter entry proved to be misplaced and like many of us I am slightly disappointed that there hasn't been more sun over the last few weeks! Nonetheless we soldier on!
In terms of the House Championship it has been slightly disappointing to see Pankhurst drop to fourth place after dropping points in the Ethos competition around lateness. Whilst many many students led the way with 100% punctuality over the course of the term it was the tardiness of a handful of students which cost us a higher score, which is a shame as we did much better than this in Term 1 when we had the same competition.
There were some positives to cheer about however including achieving first place in the International Women's day quiz (Emmeline would have been proud!), finishing first in the World Book Day quiz, finishing second in the Boccia competition and third in the Pi competition. Well done to all who entered and helped us gain valuable points. We are only 12 points off Yousafzai in third and with some house sports results still to come in at time of writing we could still finish the term in third place.
It's worth acknowledging the top ten praise earners for last term and they are: Monty Winfield (163), Lily Ackerman-Rice (150), Emma Matthews (143), Henry Marsh (142), Lennie Lloyd (139), Zac Evans (138), Melissa Cardoso (138), Max Forristal (137), Ria Scanlan (136) and Bess Greenacre (133). It's going to be really close this year with all Houses still in with a chance of first place, although Turing with their sporting ability are slight favourites.
I'm looking forward to the Easter holiday and the opportunities this brings to pause and regather before going again next term.
Mr Murdoch, Head of Pankhurst House
Stephenson House Update |
As the daffodils begin to bring some color to the site, the blossom is in full bloom and the snowdrops litter the floor, we look ahead to a bright spring term for Stephenson House.
With our year 11 students from Ms Hughes’ class deep into the mock season, we have not had our normal Tuesday assemblies. However, we did make time to say farewell to our 11S students. From next term they will be focussing on GCSE revision, progress and pathways. To mark this I interviewed our house leaders, Abdi and Oli, in front of the house. They were superb in their reflections and had one, crystalline piece of advice for our students, “Your time at St Katherine’s flies by. Make the most of it.” Wise words from two exceptional young men.
With my English teacher hat on I always focus on how Stephenson students are faring in the reading competitions. It delights me to welcome Jack Weston (8S1), Elsa Thorp (8S1) and Freddie Hayes (8S2) to the elite group of students that have read over a million words so far this year. We also have a new reading superstar in our midst; Jarra Touray in 7S has successfully quizzed eleven reading books in Term four. That’s almost two a week. Well done Jarra! Not to forget Eve Ward in 8S2 who has successfully quizzed nine books this term. Literacy and a love of reading is the key to unlocking all elements of academic and personal development. I am proud to have such a strong team of bookworms in my house.
The ethos contest for this term has been based on student punctuality to lessons. We know, now more than ever, how vital it is to cherish every minute of every lesson. If a student were to be five minutes late to five lessons a week, they would miss the equivalent of three weeks of school across the year. I am very proud to say that the average Stephenson student has arrived late to just 4.5 lessons across an entire six week term. Thus, we have won the ethos competition for Term 4. This comes with 200 points in the house championship and puts Stephenson House back into the overall lead. Well done and thank you Stepheson students for your dedication and diligence. Keep it up!
The last two weeks of term have seen the Spring house sport competitions. These have included hockey, football, boccia and ninja warrior. Whilst the results are yet to arrive on my desk, I have it on good authority that our year 7 boys won the house football contest, with our girls coming second in the hockey competition. Well done to 7S for fielding such a strong side. Such a prescient reminder that the most important thing is that everyone takes part. We have also taken first place in the ninja warrior competitions.
As our house motto says, “From adversity comes progress.” So, it is through the challenges we face as a team that build our community for the future.
Enjoy a peaceful Easter break.
Mr Court, Head of Stephenson House
Turing House Update |
The Easter Holidays are upon us, which can only mean the end of Term 4! We are two thirds of the way through the school year, where has the time gone? It also means that our wonderful Year 11 Turing students have one final full term with us. A special ‘well done’ to 11T and the rest of the Year 11 cohort for completing their final set of mocks exams. I know that through their continued ‘determination’ and working in ‘unity’ with their teachers, they will put themselves in the best possible position for their final GCSE exams.
The House “Core Values” are central to the recognition of achievement. They should be the driving force behind everything that house members do in school. It gives true meaning to the students who perform so well in these identified areas. Here are the fantastic achievements by Turing Students.
At St Katherine’s School we recognise and celebrate literacy. It empowers individuals to access and understand information, enabling them to make informed decisions about their lives. Literacy lays the foundation for learning across all subjects and disciplines, from basic arithmetic to advanced scientific concepts. It is therefore fantastic to see that Turing students have made significant progress in the house reading competitions. Turing students have read 5,255,193 words which takes us to second place in the Accelerated Readers Competition.
Although we are moving in the right direction and are in joint second place with Yousafzai, there is still work to do to catch up with Stephenson House who have read 6,376,168 words. With the Easter Holidays upon us, students need to continue to read the minimum of 20 minutes a day. Remembering that literacy is not merely the ability to read and write but a cornerstone of their development and essential for individual empowerment.
Spring Term Inter House sports competitions focussed on football and hockey. Turing students displayed commitment, team work, unity and fair-play across all year groups whilst having the highest numbers representing a house this term. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up from Boccia to Ninja Warrior to the Spring Sport Competitions!
However, the sporting highlight across the four year groups must go to both the Year 9 Turing boys football team and girls hockey team for finishing first place. In previous competitions over the years, despite high participation, the teams often came in the lower end of the table. This year displayed true Turing spirit and showed a commitment to each other whilst showing true sportsmanship. Well done!
As a result of the efforts of all of those who participated, Turing House has found themselves in a very credible third place. The aim for the Summer Term should be to turn this into a second place or higher.
“The strength of the team is each member ………The strength of each member is the team”
Another remarkable sporting feat worth noting is the impressive partnership of Daniel Stewart and Liam Davies in the Ninja Warrior competition. Their athletic prowess was prominently showcased, resulting in a second-place finish. But special recognition is due to Daniel Stewart (10T1) for setting a new school record time!
I am pleased to announce that Turing House has made significant improvements in the punctuality House ethos competition this term in comparison to the same competition at the end of Term 1 from finishing in fourth place to a commendable second at the end of Term 4. Our focus on student punctuality to lessons has truly paid off. In a time where every minute of learning counts more than ever, we appreciate the importance of cherishing each moment in the classroom. On average, a Turing student has been late to just 4.9 lessons over the entire six-week term. This demonstration of dedication to their learning and punctuality secured Turing House a further 150 points in the House Championship. However, with Stephenson House taking the top spot in this whole school house competition with Stephenson students on average being late to 4.5 lessons, it has meant that Stephenson have reclaimed the overall lead.
I am proud to highlight our Tremendous Turing students for their outstanding demonstration of the core values of Unity, Acceptance and Determination during this term. The individuals listed below have exemplified these values through their commendable attitude and behaviour throughout the term, setting a remarkable example for all students at St. Katherine’s. Congratulations to each of you mentioned below for your commendable efforts
- 7T: Adele Lacey, Bruce Malnas, Alfie Simmonds, Phoebe Charlewood and Alex Lincoln.
- 8T1: Billy Watson, Otto Penn, Jude Lusher, Jasper Leung and Tom Hillitt.
- 8T2: Aariz Zafar, Jacob Huey and Lara Bray.
- 9T: Levi Faulks, Eli O’Donnell, Faria Azim, Hamdi Mohamed Abdi and Jake Robson.
- 10T1: Jay-Jay Lincoln, Cerys Vosiey, Bella Norman and Rudy Gardner.
- 10T2: Samuel Nmai, Jack Burbridge and Jack Atkins.
- 11T: Keir Sutton, Roary Gallagher, Keysar Yahya, Alice Clarke and Evie Roberts.
Finally, but certainly not least, we commend the Magnificent Termly Turing students. Throughout Term 4, these students have consistently exhibited one or more of Turing's core values (Unity, Acceptance and Determination). Their unwavering attitude and behaviour serve as exemplary models for all students at St. Katherine’s. Congratulations to the following individuals:
- 7T: Eesha Glen-Sawlani - Eesha has shown a commitment to her lessons and contributes to the wider school community. Eesha is thoughtful and considerate and sets a shining example for how a Year 7 should act. Keep up the excellent work!
- 8T1: Otto Penn - Otto is always working hard in class and brings a great attitude everyday. He is thoughtful and respectful to others and has gained a100% behaviour ratio.
- 8T2: Elsa Fiedor - For always trying her best. Being respectful of her peers and teachers and having a 100% behaviour ratio!
- 9T: Faria Azim - Being a brilliant member of the school community and always considering the needs of other students. Faria sets a fantastic example to us all about what it means to genuinely look out for members of the community.
- 10T1: Grace Jenkins - Grace is a model student who takes pride in both her class work and homework. She shows kindness and support to everyone around her and is always the first to offer help.
- 10T2: Eliza Hillett - Eliza has demonstrated remarkable academic maturity in their approach to their GCSEs, displaying a steadfast commitment to learning and a proactive attitude towards their studies.
- 11T: Eve Osborn - Eve has consistently applied herself to her lessons this term. She has worked hard to understand her weaknesses and this has paid off with a strong set of mock results. Her determination to improve and resilience in taking on board the feedback of her teachers is an example to others. Well done!
Wishing everyone a restful Easter break and I am looking forward to Turing House returning to school for Term 5 with renewed enthusiasm and energy to tackle the upcoming challenges. Anticipation is already building for the Term 4 Turing Celebration Assembly scheduled for the first week of Term 5!
Mrs Price, Head of Turing House
Yousafzai House Update |
There has been some big changes to the Yousafzai set up this term with year 11 students taking the time to focus on their mocks and their upcoming exams. They are now spending this time with their tutor rather than assembly. We therefore said a Yousafzai goodbye to them at the beginning of the term. I interviewed four year 11 students about their time at St Katherine's and how it will make a difference to their future and how being in Yousafzai house has made a difference to them. These students were Mae Kingston, Theeban Mahesan, Oscar Pearson and Ikran Issa - they did an amazing job and totally inspired us with their aspirations for their life.
We’ve had a middling performance in terms of the house competition this term. We’ve come in third with the house ethos competition of punctuality - it’s 100 points for the house but the winner gets 200. We had a stellar performance for the Pi competition which we won - I had no doubt as I know there are some exceptional students who know it to 100 digits! We’ve had a fair performance in some of the house sport with boccia and the cube. More house sport results to follow - I know the year 10 boys won their football games which is excellent! It’s always so brilliant seeing all the Yousafzai students so enthusiastic and strategy planning.
Yousafzai students have been busy quizzing their books and almost had the most books quizzed - Stephenson just pipped us to the post. A huge shout out to Eveyln Collin, Amelie Payne and Fleur Bennerson who became reading millionaires since January - a huge achievement - well done. All this means that we currently sit in third position - but only just! Pankhurst are close behind us and so lots of work to do next term.
Thank you as always for the support from the parents/carers of Yousafzai students - it makes a huge difference when we work together to ensure the best for our young people. And a big thank you to all the students who make Yousafzai what it is - those who work hard, try their best, push through adversity and treasure their education like a diamond!
I hope you all have a restful break and for those that celebrate it - a Happy Easter.
Miss Andrews, Head of Yousafzai House
PE and Sport News |
- Believe it or not, this term has only been 29 days long yet we've squeezed plenty of sporting activity and opportunities into those 29 days! Term 4 has seen students involved in indoor cricket, football, netball, hockey, indoor athletics, swimming, basketball, short mat bowls, boccia and ninja warrior. We've had well over 200 students through the doors to before school, lunchtime or after school clubs and well over 200 students earning themselves caps for the school too. It's hard to believe that the summer term is almost upon us but we can't say we're not looking forward to drier weather and lighter nights ... if nothing else it gives us more time for PE and school sport!
- House Sport has dominated the landscape in term 4 with students competing for points in boccia, ninja warrior, hockey, football and indoor rowing. At the time of writing, we've still got Year 9 competitions and indoor rowing to come and we've already had well over 350 students turning out to represent their houses. It has been so good to see students giving their all for their houses in such a variety of sporting competitions. Daniel Stewart deserves a special mention as he impressed on his way around our ninja warrior course setting the fastest time of 2024 and a new school record in the process. Well done to everyone who has represented their houses so far this year!
- The last few weeks of term 4 have seen the culmination of the Somerset Cricket Foundation Indoor Cricket competitions. St Katherine's fielded four strong teams in the competitions and it was great to see our students enjoying some early cricketing opportunities. Congratulations to our U13 boys, U13 girls and U15 boys who all finished as runners up to strong opposition at finals day. To finish as one of the top schools in Somerset is a great achievement! Selection decisions were tough, particularly at the younger age group so we look forward to outdoor cricket in the summer where more students will get their chance to play. There was also a chance for the U13 girls to enjoy some glow in the dark cricket which definitely captured their interest!
- In similar fashion to indoor cricket, indoor athletics competitions have also come to a climax with several of our students representing Avon at the South West Sportshall Athletics Championships in early March. Congratulations to Serena-Summer Challis, George Hallford, Luca James-Neale, Jasper Leung, Blythe Martineau, Benjamin Palmer, Eve Ward and Oscar Warren for their brilliant athletic performances. Amazingly, all of the Avon teams involving St Katherine's students have qualified for the UK finals in April so we are excited to see our athletes get their chance against some of the best athletes in the country!
- A special mention must go to our Year 8 boys football team who have qualified for the finals of the Somerset Schools U13 Boys Football Cup. This team are the first St Katherine's team to make a final for the last 15 years so this is a really special achievement. As well as the boys involved in the cup team, there is a huge number of boys representing the school in Year 8 who all play their part. Competition for places is so tight with almost 40 boys having represented the school already this year. We don't know our opposition yet but we do know the date ... Monday 13 May ... we wish the boys the very best of luck!
- Most of the sports we play at St Katherine's involve having two feet on dry land but we know that there are plenty of our students who enjoy life in the water! Unfortunately, swimming opportunities are limited at school but we certainly don't let that stop us from getting involved in events where we can. What better way to commemorate the huge contribution that Mollie Young made to our school community than to turn out three St Katherine's teams for the Portishead Rotary Club Swimathon? Huge congratulations to Emmie Bobby, Blossom Griffiths, Alexander Horseman, Caitlin Marshall, Heidi Martineau, Shay Melias, Bella Paddock, Freya Smith, Maisie Thorn and Sophia Wilkinson who all swam their hearts out and raised lots of money for great charities!
- As always, there's only one way to find out about everything that has happened in the last 29 days and that is to subscribe to our PE and school sport newsletter. You can do so by completing the form at this link.
Mr Cook, Head of PE
Term 5 dates for your diary |
- 15 April: Students in school for Term 5
- 19 April: D of E Bronze overnight camp
- 23 April: Year 9 Meningitis vaccinations
- 23 April: Year 7 Virtual Progress Evening
- 25 April: Coffee with the Headteacher
- 01 May: Culture Day
- 04 May: D of E Bronze oractice walk
- 06 May: Bank Holiday
- 09 May: Public examinations begin
- 18-19 May: D of E Silver practice expedition
- 24 May: End of Term 5
- 03 June: Students in school for Term 6
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