Term 3 Newsletter - February 2023 |
Message from Mr Humphreys, Headteacher |
I wonder how many of us are still battling those new year promises as we approach the end of Term 3? I shared my Everests for 2023 with the students in January and challenged them to share their Everests for 2023 during the collapsed day last week - I was delighted to read the hundreds submitted from across the year groups - it was truly inspiring. Encourage your child to submit their Everest here.
We took time this term to educate and remind our community on significant world events - Holocaust Memorial Day was marked with a powerful assembly delivered across each house by our A Level historians who shone a light on the faults of our past history and the lessons we must learn - the ‘ordinary people’ theme was a powerful reminder of the responsibility we all hold.
The term has been busy and purposeful with Year 13 students receiving offers from their chosen universities and Year 11 reflecting on their mock exams and progress check as they begin the ‘big climb’ towards the summer exams - we wish our Year 11 and Year 13 students well with a sustained revision period over the coming months.
I am hugely grateful to our teaching staff who support them every day, keeping them focused and motivated to ensure they achieve the success they deserve. Thank you to parents/carers too for your support at home with establishing and supporting their routines with some quiet time away from the distractions of social media and games consoles. We must keep reminding our young people that whilst the sacrifice may feel painful now, the long term gains will be well worth it.
It was great to meet a number of new parents/carers at the Headteacher Coffee morning in January where we were able to discuss the school’s progress, challenges and plans for the future. Do join us at our next coffee morning in Term 4.
Year 9 students embark on an exciting part of their education as they are given choices to make about their curriculum. Our curriculum offer at St Katherine’s is broad and engaging, providing students with positive subject choices to consider. The Options Evening provided an opportunity to discuss potential subjects with teachers and I encourage you to take time to discuss this further, using the options booklet to help answer further questions you may have over the half term break. There is plenty of time during Term 4 for the conversations to continue to ensure everyone is able to make informed choices.
Our winter photography competition engaged a huge number of students with some stunning winners from across the houses in each year group - well done to all those who entered. A number of our musicians were lucky enough to see the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra at the end January and returned to school inspired - reminder of our Trust Concert which will take place on 26 April.
I have enjoyed meeting and listening to students each week as part of our Hot Chocolate Friday routine with the Headteacher. An opportunity for students to be congratulated on their work or contribution to our community and provide feedback on our school and what they feel needs to be addressed to make it even better.
Wishing everyone a safe and restful half term.
Justin Humphreys, Headteacher
News from the Library Resource Centre |
Year 7 Readathon success
Readathon is a charity providing books and storytellers to children in hospital, including Bristol Children's Hospital. Over the Christmas break and into term 3, our Year 7 students had the opportunity to take part in a sponsored read to raise money for the charity. In total, they raised a fantastic £433.27 - a massive well done to everyone who took part! We also used this as a House competition, with Turing the overall winner. A special mention to 7S2 who raised the most money for a single tutor group.
Year 8 student assistants
Ms Wyld is currently training up our sucessful Year 8 applicants as student assistants. These students will be helping with lots of day to day aspects of running the library, closely supervised of course!
Accelerated Reader - celebrating success
Congratulations to our Term 3 Accelerated Reader millionaires:
- Eve Ward, 7S2
- Aidan Butler, 7T2
- Walter Rogers, 7T2
- Imogen Dyer, 8P2
- Amelie Whalley, 8Y1
- Lara Mohan, 8Y2
Library account introductions
Year 7 students are gradually being introduced to their online Library accounts, which they can access through the school desktop. This allows students to check which books they have on loan from the library and when they are due back. They can also renew if they need a little longer, as well as reserving titles they would like to try.
Cookery competition
Last year St Katherine's School ran a cookery competition with OvenGleamers, Business West and Square Food Foundation. Students had to create a recipe for a book that is going to be printed for Easter 2023. The prizes included cookery books as well as a workshop at the Square Food Foundation.
In January Miss Gardiner took 10 students to the Square Food Foundation for the workshop. Students were taught how to make their own pasta, a slow cooked ragu and a chocolate fondant. Everybody had a fantastic time and they all took home what they had made. It was a really worth while workshop where the students learnt new skills from chopping and knife techniques to using a pasta machine.
A big thank you to OvenGleamers and Square Food Foundation who facilitated the day.
Miss Gardiner, Work Related Careers Adviser
Duke of Edinburgh update |
DofE is well underway with students getting involved with lots of activities and volunteering. Ben Palmer is the first student in Year 9 to complete one of his sections. Ben spent 3 months helping with St George's Under 7s team, see further details below. - Well Done Ben!
There have been lots of other great volunteering activities going on including Eva helping out with the horses in a stable, Zach working with the Under 9s rugby, Manon teaching Crockerne children dancing, as well as girl guiding, scouting and litter picking.
Mr Hodgson has put together a DofE FAQ factsheet should you require any further information about the scheme.
Felix Huertas
Felix is supporting local gardening community groups for the volunteering section of his DofE. He's been planting, litter picking and bramble clearing, he's keen to learn lots of new gardening skills!
Tom Creton
Tom has been volunteering as a local litter picker, he's hoping to help clean up Pill and make it a more pleasant place to live.
Maisie Bobby
Maisie has been helping out at Southville Primary School After School Club as a "buddy". Her aims are for the children to have someone to read to or to play with and to develop a relationship with both the school and individual children.
Eva Gillham
Eva has been enjoying learning a new skill; she is helping make floral arrangements and hoping to learn more about plants and flowers.
Alfie Hirst
Alfie has chosen to learn how to play golf with a PGA instructor for his physical section. His instructor said of Alfie's first golf lesson: "We worked on his understanding of how to hit a 7 iron. The stages of his setup and parts of the swing he must master. He hit around 100 shots developing his feel. We videoed his swing and set up for him to repeat in his practice session. Looking forward to the next one!"
Victoria Reid
Victoria has chosen cookery for her skills section. She's hoping to improve her cooking skills so she can help her mum prepare meals and later on in life cook for herself. - Sounds like a great idea Victoria and the pancakes look delicious!
Benjamin Palmer
Ben has been teaching young children football for his volunteering section which he has now completed. His assessor said of Ben:
"The kids were really sad to learn that today was his last session! From the first session Ben was modelling the skills we are teaching our young players. Ben's communication with the squad was always clear and encouraging. The players responded well to his coaching and I had no hesitation in getting Ben to referee his own matches. He took every opportunity to explain the rules and ensure everyone got the most enjoyment out of matches. The players have definitely learned a lot from Ben.
Ben achieved the respect as a fellow coach, our young players seeing him as part of the coaching team. Ben has improved his communication skills and how teamwork means we all achieve more."
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra |
On Monday 30th January all KS4 GCSE Music students went to watch members of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra perform some of the pieces which they study as part of their course. They were treated to performances of J.S Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No 5 featuring a guest flautist from St Bede’s School followed by Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A major which Year 11 music students are currently studying. The repertoire then moved into the twentieth century with a performance of William Goodchild’s Land of Plenty which is a piece of music written for a BBC wildlife series called Africa’s Giant Killers. The orchestra performed the piece live with the film footage showing behind them to give the piece a real sense of atmosphere and context. The next piece moved into the realms of musical theatre with a performance of the famous Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked. This featured a solo vocalist from Clevedon School who did a fantastic job in delivering this high energy and technically challenging piece.
The second half of the concert was a live composition workshop. Schools had been asked to submit melodies composed by students in advance of the concert. Two melodies were chosen to be used in the composition; one from Chipping Sodbury School and one from St Katherine’s School! Well done to Tyler Kingscott (10S) for having his melody selected. It was amazing to hear how the composer (Patrick Bailey, associate musician at the BSO) had developed the two melodies into a fully formed piece of music and it was a proud moment for Tyler when he got a huge round of applause at the end!
Our students really enjoyed it and were a pleasure to take out of school. One of them turned to me at the end and said: ‘I have a new found appreciation for classical music’.
Miss Adams, Head of Music
National Apprenticeship Week
The 16th annual National Apprenticeship Week took place from 6th to 12th February 2023.
National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) 2023 aims to shine a light on the amazing work being done by apprentices, employers, and their training providers across the country. The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2023 was ‘Skills for Life’.
The annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships, took place across England, reflected on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.
At St Katherine's we ran apprenticeship awareness sessions in tutor time as well as learning how to write a CV and cover note.
Miss Gardiner, Work Related Careers Adviser
Adventure Training Club braves the caves
The winter time is usually a time for cosying up inside warm and well lit houses, however, recently the Adventure Training Club headed underground. We explored Goatchurch Cavern hidden away in Burrington Combe. Many had never caved before, but everyone got stuck into the adventure. Working their way through passageways and crawl spaces cut into the rock by water, the cavers had an amazing experience. Although changing into wellies and oversuits in the car park was incredibly cold, the cave stays roughly the same temperature all year, so actually was nice and warm. We explored several interesting features, such as the drain pipe, coffin lid, Jacob's ladder, Giant Steps and the tradesman's entrance. Thanks to Robin from Somerset Adventures, Mr Hadfield for helping to lead the trip and the amazing Mr Francis-Black for providing transport.
Mr Hodgson, Outdoor Education Lead
Sixth Form Update |
A breathless start to 2023 over in the Sixth Form block.
For Year 13, focus has been divided between submitting the final wave of UCAS applications and their all-important mock exams, significant milestones in their Sixth Form journey. Students now have their sights firmly fixed on the summer - the revision, the exams, the leavers’ party and the adventures beyond. It’ll be over before they know it.
Year 12 continue to impress us with their application and commitment to their subjects - it’s been really encouraging to see so many staying an hour or so after school to get on top of their work and go the extra mile. Students have also been tasked with arranging placements for our Work Experience Week (19th-23rd June). A huge well done to those who have already secured their spots - we’re certain it will be an enriching and rewarding experience.
Speaking of enrichment, it’s been another varied and enjoyable month of enrichment activities from a range of providers. Lots of students have enthusiastically thrown themselves into our weekly yoga sessions, and have no doubt assembled themselves into shapes and poses they never thought possible. A particular thank you to the students who have been running their own enrichment classes, from cooking on a budget, to film club, to British Sign Language.
We’ve also had a range of outside speakers: Bath University talking about how to make the most of your Sixth Form experience, a workshop on NHS applications and work experience, an engineer who works on actual nuclear submarines, and more beyond.
There are some important dates on the other side of the break: latest progress checks will be sent home early in Term 4, with Progress Evening on March 1st.
We look forward to speaking to you then!
Mr Davies, Head of Sixth Form
Digital Creative Arts Trip
We had a fantastic digital creative arts trip this term with the A Level media students heading over to the brand new BBC studios at Finzel's Reach and the GCSE photography students on a location shoot around the centre of Bristol, including a stop at the M Shed to see the incredible wildlife photography exhibition.
We were very lucky with the weather - despite the icy conditions we were treated to the beautiful Bristol sunshine which was perfect for our walking location photoshoot. The students collected some great initial images to get their externally set assignment off to the perfect start. A Level students were invited to participate in a number of workshops led by different BBC producers including some of the team from the hugely successful Planet Earth documentary series.
Mrs Weatherson, Head of Creative Digital Arts
Holocaust memorial day
On 27th January we observed Holocaust Memorial Day at St Katherine's School.
Ms Wyld, our school librarian, organised a display in the library that students were encouraged to visit. Students were guided through some important learning in assemblies been led by 6th form history students.
In tutor time students watched a video created by the HMD trust, a powerful presentation which focused on this year's HMD theme of ordinary people. Students were encouraged to think about the mass murder of Jews and other marginalised groups by the Nazis during the second world war, as well as more recent genocides in Darfur and the former Yugoslavia and the role of ordinary people in these killings. They learned about ordinary people as perpetrators, bystanders, victims and survivors.
Headteacher commendations for term 3 |
Key Stage 3
Year 7: Adam Alshaekhley, Eve Ward, Aidan Butler and Walter Rogers.
Year 8: Amelie Whalley and Lara Mohan.
Year 9: Sebastian Slee, Zai Hulton and Mavis Tsang.
Key Stage 4 and 5
Year 10: Millie Horn, Adam Milkins, Elodie Whalley and Muhammed Zikrrya.
Year 11: Sam peacock, Henry Fairholm, Jake Pakeham, Harvey Niemczyk, Paige Welsby, Sophia Harper and Chloe Buston.
Sixth Form: Scarlett Newby and Issy Prime.
House Championship |
Term 3 comes to a close with an exciting change at the top of the House Championship. For almost all of this academic year, Stephenson House who are the reigning House Champions have led the competition but the endeavours of Turing House have meant that they have finished in first place with only 6 points between first and second place.
The ethos competition in Term 3 celebrated the positive referrals that students receive for their respect, responsibility and resilience. As always, this competition is very close and students in each house earn thousands of praise points each term. Turing won the competition this term with Stephenson in second place and this has meant that they have been able to overtake the reds. It is extremely competitive in the Heads of House office and Stephenson House will, no doubt be spurred on by this narrow defeat.
A highlight of Term 3 has been the winter photography competition and hundreds of beautiful entries have been submitted to this competition. Pankhurst House were clear victors and not only submitted the most entries but also showed they are strong in the creative arts and their work is beautifully displayed in school at the moment. Many of their images captured our school site on frosty mornings and these serve to remind us how fortunate we are to learn and work in such a beautiful place.
Term 3 is finishing with hundreds of students giving their all for their house in the winter sports competitions. Stephenson won this term's matches with Yousafzai in second place, Pankhurst in third and Turing in fourth.
So, as we can see the chase for the 2023 House Championship title is very much on and I wish all students the best of luck!
Mrs Crocker, Assistant Headteacher
Pankhurst House Update |
The term started in a bitter sweet way with Pankhurst House saying goodbye to Alice White in year 10 who left us to move to Wales. Alice is an exceptional student who made a stunning contribution to the House. She gained 2424 praise points with 129 praise postcards and overcame significant adversity when she was with us and I was proud to award her House Colours before she left. Paying tribute to her Mr Hake, her tutor, put it well when he said - 'Alice is a kind, conscientious student who has been an absolutely superb tutee. I am genuinely gutted to be losing her as she always puts others above herself and is a wonderful person. Her constant care for others and hard working attitude is an example to all and putting herself forward to run in sports day as no-one else would shows her dedication and wonderful character. I wish her all the best with everything and I know she will be successful with whatever she decides to do.' I'd like to echo those words and wish Alice well with her new start in West Wales.
I wrote in the last newsletter about how happy we were with the way the new year 7 students had settled into Pankhurst House. It was no surprise to see them win tutor group of the term with the highest praise negative ratio in their year for this term, well done to them and their tutor Miss Robinson. 8P1 also deserve a mention for finishing top of their year group for praise negative proportion this term, as do 9P for maintaining their improvement from term 1. Leading the way in terms of praises are the following students who were the top ten praise earners for Pankhurst House this term:
- Alexa Barnard, 171
- Victor Furdal, 164
- Zac Evans, 161
- Olivia Imiolek-Franca, 155
- Ben Anderson, 154
- Finley Pemberton, 148
- Daniel Stokes, 145
- Jessica Britton, 140
- Finley Huxtable, 139
- Seb Hutchins-Davies, 133
An excellent effort from all of them to set a really high bar for others to try and match. We didn't win the Praise Negative proportion competition this term but these students led the way in our efforts to do so and I am grateful to them.
This term is a short term with a limited number of ouse competitions that have points up for grabs so it was pleasing to win the winter photography competition. Pippa Barnard, Julia Howard, Imogen Davies, Alexa Barnard, Ryan Rice, Rhys Parr, Sabrina Leighton, Josh Cowley and Miss Nattress all finished in the top three of their age group meaning Pankhurst won overall. Well done and thank you!
I'm looking forward to half term as an opportunity to recharge my batteries and I hope you are too.
Mr Murdoch, Head of Pankhurst House
Stephenson House Update |
Term 3 although short in length compared to some has been action packed for Stephenson House and there have been many highlights along the way.
The ethos competition this term for behaviour ratio has been close all the way and a big well done to Turing for winning this with us just behind in 2nd place. It is lovely to see that we had the highest praises out of all the houses but also the highest negatives so work to be done in this area to improve.
The winter photography competition has been a success for us as a house despite coming third overall. We had the winning entry from Marla Green in 7S1. A beautiful wintery picture is a deserved winner!!!
The readthon in year 7 was a particular highlight for 7S2 who raised over £150 for children in hospital. This was a tremendous achievement and is a result of the hard work that Mr Sugden does to place the importance of reading in tutor and outside of school. Well done 7S2!
In sport it was lovely to see such a good turn out for the house badminton which years 11, 12 and 13 competed in. We have always had such good representation from students in Stephenson House in these year groups and I know they enjoyed their time in the sportshall. We finished in second place just behind Yousafzai - a big well done to all those who took part!
The House championship is as close as ever and Turing, as a result of a number of first places in competitions this term, have gone in front by just 6 points. As I have always said this academic year the sign and strength of the team is in the power of we and trying to be the best version of ourselves. The biggest achievement will be for a house to retain their championship and that is what we strive to do by the end of the year!
On a separate note it has been a pleasure to be able to celebrate the success of some of our students outside of school for things they have achieved. In assemblies this term we have done this with the following students;
- Mattijis Korswagen, 11S2- signed a scholar contract with Bristol Rovers as a goalkeeper.
- Maisie Thorn, 8S - won most improved for her swimming club.
- Jack Sloman, 11S1- continuing to represent Bristol Bears in their academy.
- Leah Matthews, 8S - performing in the pantomime of Aladdin at the Redgrave theatre in Clifton.
In school we have celebrated each week the Stephenson Stars for their contribution to the house and the wider school community. Representing our RED values of Respect, Equality and Determination. Below are the students that have been STARS for this term.
- Y7: Bella Di Nardo, Wren Felton, Ryan Taylor, Freya Smith, Jacob Skentelbery, Freddie Kingdon.
- Y8: Imeiro Smith, Harry Brown, Phoebe Woolnough.
- Y9: Kieren Phillips, Maisie Bobby, Joel Kambu, Ben Palmer, Joe Newby, Daisy Lewis, Khalid Bulaleh, Daniel Pearson, Agata Szymial, Lashae Smith.
- Y10: Aidan Api
- Y11: Abi Lebo, Ethan Garbut, Coby Barbosa-Goa, Victoria Karczewska, Ellie Baker, Sophia Harper, Jacob Lambert, Zoltan Szekley, George Garland, Monty Fishbourne.
In assemblies this term we have had an opportunity to celebrate but also reflect on many topical areas. I would like to thank the students that have come and spoken and educated our house about areas such as Holocaust memorial as well as the LGBTQ+ history month. These have been very informative and thought provoking.
Finally, I would like to thank my two house leaders Sophia and Charlie who have been amazing as role models for others in the house. They have developed their leadership superbly and each taken on roles, particularly in assemblies, where they have had to present in front of the rest of the house.
I wish all families and young people a relaxing half term break so that we are ready recharged to get back on top of the house championship!
Mr Thomas, Head of Stephenson House
Turing House Update |
Term 3 has certainly been a busy time for the whole school community at St Katherine’s. Firstly, I would like to say a fond farewell to Mrs Kaonga, who has been 10T tutor for the past 12 months covering Mrs Cavanagh’s maternity leave. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the group and Turing House as a whole. I would also like to welcome Mr Love, who joins the Tutor Team of Turing House, taking the lead with 8T. I have received continued support and inspiration from the Tutor Team and Teagan Davidson and Hope Roberts as Turing House Leaders. Thank you all for your help this term.
Next, I wanted to highlight the amazing statistic, that 97 students recorded 100% attendance in this term in what has been very challenging circumstances. Determination is a core value and high levels of attendance from Turing students reflect this core value.
It always gives me great pleasure in recognising the Tremendous Weekly Turing students. These students have demonstrated one or more of the core values of Turing (Unity, Acceptance and Determination). Their attitude and behaviour during the term are an example to all students at St Katherine’s. Well done to all of you mentioned below.
- 7T1: Caitlin Marshall, Amelia Jay, Jaihan Singarda.
- 7T2: Amina Kiss-Vass, Hannah Harris, Charlotte Ives, Willow Griffiths, Alfie Tweed.
- 8T: Eleana Antonio, Emily James, Betty O'Donnell, Owain Donovan.
- 9T1: Liam Davies, Gethin Vaughn, Cody Gallagher, Grace Jenkins, Edie Davidson.
- 9T2: Thomas Earle, Joey Dpherty, Ella Bartozsky, Buddy Estcourt, Isobel Charlewood, Zakaria Ahmed.
- 10T: Caitlin Donovan, Fern Clarke, Olivia Stanley, Riccardo Benoni, Roary Gallagher.
- 11T1: Sean Kaithakkoden, Belle Fey, Alex James, Gabriella Marcovitch.
- 11T2: Neve Selby, Sorren Williams, Reuben O'Donnell, Nahla Mengoud, Leo Oakman, Henry Faiholm.
Additionally I would like to celebrate the Magnificent Termly Turing. These students have consistently demonstrated one or more of the core values of Turing (Unity, Acceptance and Determination) and sustained this over the whole of Term 3. Their exemplary performance is a blueprint for all other students at St Katherine’s. Well done to:
- 7T1: Caitlin Marshall - Caitlin has consistently worked hard in lessons, contributed to the readathon and is a positive member of the tutor group.
- 7T2: George Hallford - George always gives 110% in everything he does at school. He has undertaken the role of sports captain fantastically and can be relied on by his fellow students. He is a valued member of our group.
- 8T: Emily James - Since taking over 8T Emily has been a constant presence of positivity every morning. She is always willing to take on jobs and tries her hardest in every lesson. She has also gained 111 positive points so far this term which is truly amazing!
- 9T1: Cerys Voisey - Cerys consistently works hard in every subject each and every day. She goes above and beyond by completing outstanding homework and gets involved in a range of extra curricular clubs. She has excelled as Sports Captain this year and organises our tutor group's participation well.
- 9T2: Joey Doherty - Joey has shown great resilience and determination this term. His attitude and engagement in lessons and extracurricular activities are always positive, as well as his respectful nature towards all members of staff and students.
- 10T: Oscar Caton - Since the start of Year 10 Oscar has worked hard and shown a great determination to do well in his GCSEs.
- 11T1: Hope Roberts - Hope is hard working and consistently engages in active revision during tutor time in preparation for mocks and GCSEs. As a house leader, she acts as a positive role model to other students. Well done Hope!
- 11T2: Teagan Davidson - For having really high aspirations and working hard to make sure that you reach them! There's nothing better than seeing someone working hard for what they want to achieve. You are setting a great example to others in your role as House Leader.
The top students in each Turing Tutor Group with the most “Praise Points” are listed below. It gives me so much pride and satisfaction to share these students and their achievements with you.
- 7T1: Leo Richardson - 1098
- 7T2: Walter Rogers - 134
- 8T: Emily James - 111
- 9T1: Matei Achim - 122
- 9T2: Luke James - 111
- 10T: Roary Gallagher, 91
- 11T1: Grace Lowther-Harris, 67
- 11T2: Leo Oakman, 138
On the sporting front Term 3 has been a quiet period. However, in the Inter-House badminton a creditable 3rd place was achieved by Y11, Y12 and Y13. There was a really fantastic turnout by Turing House members.
In more exciting news, Turing House led the way in the Behaviour Ratio Ethos Competition, showing that as a house we are forever developing and improving. This alone makes us champions. As we say in Turing House, ‘The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.’ Turing House was awarded 200 points for the highest ratio. Next term the Ethos Competition is for “punctuality”, Turing House fell to third place in this area in term 1. The aim should be to match the achievements made this term with the behaviour ratio. Students are in control of their ClassCharts and should take ownership to strive for the goal of getting the basics right in punctuality, organisation, respect and hard work.
Further news on inter-house competitions is really encouraging. Students have taken note of the key importance of reading. This is a school objective, not just confined to the House Competition. Turing House students have embraced this objective with FIRST place in the Readathon and SECOND place in Accelerated Reader.
Finally, I would like to highlight the amazing results of the Winter Photo Competition. In Y9, Maxine Ward came 2nd and Eva Stojalowski 3rd, well done girls. In Y10 Evie Roberts (10T) gained 1st place with a stunning shot of frostbitten grass at sunrise. Another 1st place was gained in Y11 for Reuben O’Donnall and 2nd place to Hope Roberts. Well done to you all for taking part and securing 2nd place overall for Turing House.
Please enjoy half term, take the time to reflect, recharge and recover, so that the return to school for Term 4 is positive, dynamic and productive.
Mrs Price, Head of Turing House
Yousafzai House Update |
I can’t believe how quickly Term 3 has flown by, it feels like an incredibly short term! We are currently third in the house championship. We will need to dig deep next term to try and pull a second place back.
The main competition for this term is the ethos competition which is worth 200 points for the winner. This term’s focus has been on behaviour. Whilst we had the least number of negatives, a tremendous achievement, we also had the least number of praise points meaning we ended up in third place. This was a real shame as on the whole our behaviour as a house is excellent, but we just need to gain more praise points.
Reading is one of the most important things our young people can do to help improve their outcomes so it is only fitting that there are termly reading competitions. We have come last in them though - if you have a child in year 7 or year 8 please encourage them to read and quiz their book with the accelerated reader programme so we can win as many points as possible!
I was very grateful for all those who took part in the winter photography competition. Demmi Leigh Matthews in year 8 had the winning picture for her year group - congratulations! Chloe Richards won a special mention in our assembly at the beginning of term for her excellent entry into the winter bake off competition and winning second. I was also very grateful for our year 11 and sixth form students who took part in the badminton competition and won- well done!
At the beginning of the term we had our celebration of achievement assembly for term 2. This is always such a great opportunity as a house to celebrate our individual students. Charlie Carkeek, Emily Brosa and Otto Baddeley were celebrated as having the highest number of praise points in the house for last term. Each term tutors nominate a superstar in their house, well done to:
- 7Y: Aisha Sarr and Stanley Marshall
- 8Y1: Stanley Matthews and Freya Bowers
- 8Y2: Ava Fowler and Sam Gurr
- 9Y: Seb Slee and Ella Johnson
- 10Y1: Morgan Marsh and Chloe Richards
- 10Y2: Naomi Burr and Theeban Mahesan
- 11Y: Jack Vine and Alex Sharpe
Our house is full of students striving for excellence so that they can be the best versions of themselves and also gain the best outcomes for themselves.
In assemblies, we have been reminding ourselves of Malala Yousafzai’s journey of how much she wanted to go to school and all the benefits of school - not just receiving education but also forming friendships with each other. We have such an incredible opportunity, both staff to be able to educate young people and students to be educated. We need to make the most of this precious time! I love assemblies, I have loved them this term - being able to see the whole house in person each week is a real privilege.Yousafzai House now sing Happy Birthday to one another - a big shout out to Liam Hacker whose voice is very clear and loud above everyone else’s - thank you for joining in!
Despite it being a short term, I think we are all ready for a break. I hope Yousafzai students can rest well and come back refreshed to give it their all to win the house cup! Thank you as always to you as parents and carers of our young people and your ongoing support in their education, which as we all should be doing, treasuring it like a diamond!
Have a superb half term.
Miss Andrews, Head of Yousafzai House
PE and Sport News |
- Sportshall athletics has been one of the real highlights of this term with huge numbers of our students involved in competing and leading at countless events. This term we took all four of our Year 7 and 8 athletics teams to the West of England finals where they competed against the best school teams from Bristol, North Somerset, BANES and South Glos. Special mentions to our Year 7 and Year 8 boys teams - West of England Champions! We also took a group of Year 9 leaders to the county finals who were simply exceptional. The staff who work for sportshall and run competitions all over the country said that our leaders were some of the best they had ever worked with ... high praise indeed! As well as this we had more than 20 individual athletes trial at the Avon County Championships and following their brilliant performances, we are waiting with anticipation to find out if any of them will be selected to represent Avon at the South West Sportshall Championships.
- Earlier this term we were thrilled to be able to welcome the England U21 short mat bowls team to St Katherine's for a memorable day! With huge help from Shane German & Barry Excell from the NSSPEA alongside Brian Baker from the English Short Mat Bowls Association, short mat bowls has really taken off at St Katherine's. Since September we've had a group of regulars (including some students from Crockerne) who have been practising their skills on a Monday after school. This fantastic group of young players formed a St Katherine's team that had the chance to play with and against the England U21 team as well as getting a masterclass from short mat bowls supremo Alex Kley who has enjoyed international success in the sport. Our thanks to everyone who helped make this special day possible.
- Students have been busy representing the school in a wide variety of sporting activities. We're delighted to report that the first indoor cricket matches have already taken place with our U13 boys and girls both still in the cup competitions. At the time of writing our Year 8 boys and Year 11 boys are still involved in the Somerset Cup football competitions too so we wish them all the best of luck going forward.
- House Sport hasn't stopped in the winter weather either and we've had a brilliant senior house badminton event with huge numbers of keen participants representing their houses. In the last week of this term we also had a dramatic boccia competition with some outstanding performances from a range of students in Year 7, 8 and 9.
- Lots of our individual athletes have enjoyed great success on the cross country course this term too with some really impressive displays of distance running. Congratulations to our magnificent seven Eve Ward, Oscar Warren, Ben Palmer, Connor Chick, Heidi Martineau, Cosmo Browne and Leah Wardingley all of whom ran for North Somerset at a chilly Avon Schools competition held out at Clifton College. Special mentions also to Oscar and Heidi who went on to run for Avon at the South West Championships. A huge well done to all of the runners for their performances!
Mr Cook, Head of PE
Term 4 dates for your diary |
- 20 February: Students in school for Term 4
- 20 February: Year 11 Information Evening
- 22 February: Lionesses trip, Ashton Gate
- 24 February: Trailblazers band camp
- 28 February: Year 8 HPV vaccine
- 01 March: Year 12 and Year 13 progress evening
- 01 March: UK University and Apprenticeship Search Fair
- 02 March: World Book Day
- 06 March: DofE Bronze after school training
- 09 March: Parent/ Carers Association meeting, 15.00-16.00
- 10 March: Morocco training
- 23 March: Morocco team Expedition Life, 15.00-16.00
- 23 March: Tea with a scientist
- 25-26 March: DofE practice walks
- 27-31 March: Year 7 Bikeability
- 30 March: North Somerset Dance Festival
- 31 March: END OF TERM 4
- 17 April: Students in school for Term 5
We're looking to expand our team of exam invigilators |
We need examinations invigilators during exam seasons (including 'mocks') through the year. Hours are flexible between 8 am and 4 pm and can vary according to your availability and the examinations timetable.
Contract: Casual, required as soon as possible.
Further information about the school, the post and how to apply can be found on the school website, please contact Mrs Bean, Exams Officer, with any queries.
St Katherine’s is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The post is subject to DBS Barred list and Enhanced Disclosure checks.
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