Term 2 - December 2023 |
Message from Mr Humphreys, Headteacher |
As another busy term is drawing to a close, we managed to squeeze in an evening of Christmas carols, Winter Sports Week and our traditional Christmas school lunch - our biggest mission ever with lunch for over 800!
Mock exams dominate the minds of our Year 11 students during Term 2 and there is always a welcome sigh of relief from students when they are finally over. Their engagement and focus have impressed teachers across subjects and the speed of feedback has been our focus before the break. The mocks provide an important insight for both teachers and students to provide focus for revision as we head into the new year. We look forward to sharing their results in January during our mock results assembly, before the subject evening on Thursday 24 January. It was great to see many of our Year 11 students exploring their sixth form options and pathways at our Sixth Form Open Evening in November.
St Katherine’s fell silent on 10 November at 11am as our whole community gathered on the bottom courts to reflect and pay our respects to those who gave their lives during the World Wars. Theeban Mahesan played the Last Post which echoed across the courts and fields. A poignant reminder of the cost of conflict and the week offered moments of reflection during tutor time.
Students have created a new anti bullying pledge this term as part of our reflection during Anti-Bullying Week. We all know and recognise the impact of bullying behaviour and we have used this moment to cement a new understanding at St Katherine’s which will be repeated regularly and widely across our community to remind us all of our responsibilities. Our pledge:
I will be an upstander against bullying and discriminatory language. If I see it, or hear it, I will call it out and stop it wherever I can. I will always tell someone. I pledge to stand up for fairness, kindness and equity for all.
As part of our wide-reaching programme to drive improvement across the school we are continually trialling and evaluating new approaches to raise standards for both students and staff. This term we have been:
- working across the Trust on our approach to support all students with special educational needs effectively in all classrooms.
- working with our school improvement partner looking at assessment, literacy and maths.
- subject leaders across all of the Trust have been examining their curriculums and thinking about what content they are teaching, why they are teaching it and how it is being delivered effectively in each school. Curriculum guides for each of our subjects are on our website.
If you wish to join us in discussing the progress and changes the school is making, along with sharing any feedback with the school, please join one of our Coffee with the Headteacher sessions. These are informal events and our next one is on Monday 22 January from 0845-1000. We alternate the days and times throughout the year to offer maximum flexibility for families. Topics raised this term included toilet provision and access in school, the quality of cover lessons when a teacher is absent, a recent bus incident and canteen provision.
Student voice feedback from my weekly meetings with students highlighted many positives in their school life. However, they too would welcome improvements in the quality and access to toilets, cover arrangements for absent teachers and range of foods in the canteen. No group of students requested more homework!
Our Christmas lunch reached new heights this year with a record number of lunches being served throughout the day. It is a wonderful occasion and always a pleasure to see students creating great memories and exchanging gifts with each other. A great team effort by our wonderful canteen staff ably assisted by the Sixth Form gave each tutor group a truly memorable occasion.
Finally I would like to wish you all a wonderful festive break and a very happy new year.
Justin Humphreys, Headteacher
News from the Library Resource Centre |
Celebrating our Accelerated Reader success
Congratulations to this term's Millionaire readers:
- Plum, 7S
- Eve, 8S2
- Finn, 7Y2
- Freddie, 8S2
- Anouk, 7S
- Evie, 8P
- Olivia, 7S
- Emily, 8Y
- Wilf, 7S
- Emma, 7P2
- Morgan, 7P2
- Jarra, 7S
All our Millionaires receive a book token to mark their success, as well as a badge to skip the canteen queue and an end of year event invite!
Festive competition
Students and staff were invited to guess the number of books in the Library book tree, with prizes for the closest guesses.
There were 106 books in total, two students guessed the exact number - Alex and Baptiste, both in 7T, and one member of staff was spot on, Miss McInerney. Well done!
Book Buzz 2023
This term's biggest excitement was the arrival of the BookBuzz books for our Year 7 students - there was much excitement! If you have a child in Year 7, do ask them which one they chose, and remember, these books are a gift for them to keep!
Year 7 outdoor education trips
Recently 7S and 7Y1 have had beautiful days out in the hills. The objective was to walk up Y Fal (Sugar Loaf - 596m) in two separate teams. The weather was beautiful and the students had amazing views of Bannau Brycheiniog (the Brecon Beacons). The two teams made it to the top together, working well as teams and looking after each other.
7Y1 had a beautiful but windy day, whereas 7S enjoyed a very frosty morning. The students were tired but should be very proud of themselves for a fantastic day in the mountains! They were all pleased to see the minibus at the end of the day.
Thank you to Mr Francis-Black, Miss Potts, Mr Darlison, Mrs Mathai and Mr Parslow for getting everyone up and back!
Mr Hodgson, Outdoor Education Lead
Ovid in the West Country
Ovid in the West Country is an annual competition run for Key Stage 3 students at local schools by the University of Bristol. The aim of the competition is to get students excited about storytelling and the ancient world by listening to a handful of stories from Ovid's Metamorphoses, students in Year 8 were asked to produce a creative response to one of Ovid’s myths.
Huge congratulations to Jude Lusher in 8T1 for his winning entry of Daedalus and Icarus wings sculpture and photographs. The judges were so impressed by Jude's creations that they held an English PGCE seminar exploring his work.
Miss Campbell, Teacher of English
Green fingered students care for school site
Last year, as part of the Queen's Canopy initiative, students were joined by Climate Action volunteers to plant trees on the top field and along the border of the school site.
Towards the end of term local volunteer Lucy came back to school and worked with our student leaders to complete some maintenance with the trees, to give them a helping hand over the winter. Tree guards were replaced, new trees were planted and each was given a good layer of mulch. Hopefully these trees will provide a lasting legacy for the students who planted them and are a sign of our commitment to reducing our climate impact.
Mrs Crocker, Assistant Headteacher
Christmas tree decoration competition
Students were invited to take part in a competition to earn house points by making a decoration to adorn the school tree. Well done to Rhia Scanlon, 7P2, for first prize and Finn Blakeney, 7Y2, for second prize. Honourable mentions also go to: Elsie Reed, 10Y, Lili Bryant, 7Y2, and Maddy White, 7Y2.
Miss Nattress, Deputy Head of House
Pill Food Hub Appeal
Each year we reinforce our strong links with the Pill Food Hub by supporting their Christmas appeal. The Pill Food Hub are an incredible partner to our school, providing financial and material help for our students and their families all year round.
Their Christmas appeal this year was 'Christmas is for Everyone' and aimed to make sure that people of all ages were given a Christmas present.
In support of their appeal, each tutor group worked together to collect or raise a target of £30 and then thought about the sort of gift someone their age would like. Students then worked with their tutor to buy the gift and bring it to school, student House Leaders helped deliver the gifts and vouchers to volunteers from the Food Hub.
Thank you for supporting their efforts this year.
Mrs Crocker, Assistant Headteacher
Sixth Form scientists secure exciting opportunities
Huge congratulations to Noah Sakalas and George Garland who have been accepted on to the University of Cambridge's STEM SMART programme.
The programme is for students who want to study science at university. They will receive free online tuition and tutorials for maths and sciences every week from the University of Cambridge from January of Year 12 to the end of Year 13. They will also have a mentor who is a student from Cambridge to meet with them every other week to discuss applying to university. In the summer holidays they will have the opportunity go to a residential summer school at Cambridge. - We're looking forward to hearing all about it!
Mrs Ivey, Head of Science
Spotlight on a Subject: Business Studies |
A busy term for our Business Studies students with a number of visits, guest speakers and enterprise events raising money for charities, bringing opportunities to put the theory learnt in the classroom into practice. For our Sixth Form students these experiences gave those applying to university valuable insight into the range of courses on offer.
Early in term 2 our Year 13 business students visited the Royal Mint in Llantrisant, South Wales. The trip was linked to the current personal and business finance topic of study. Students attended a talk which helped them to understand the function of money, the role of the mint in the UK economy and to see the process of ‘minting’ coins. The mint designs, manufactures and exports coins around the world, linking to other topics studied on the course. Students were able to ‘mint’ their own 50p coin which uses the new design of King Charles and will be in circulation in 2024.
In November Kieran O’Donoghue, a Policy Adviser from the Bank of England, came to speak to students about ‘economics in practice’, the role the bank has in managing the UK economy and how it works with the government to reduce inflation and set interest rates. This was to support theory students are currently learning in business finance and for those who are considering studying business finance or economics at university. The visit coincided with the Bank of England announcing their quarterly decision on interest rates and students were able to go through the process and vote on whether they would reduce, maintain or increase rates.
Kieran’s visit was really engaging and gave students the opportunity to ask questions, he fed back that ‘I really enjoyed the session and the students asked some really excellent questions.’
14 Year 12 and 13 business students spent the day working within the UWE Economics department to deepen their understanding of the subject and consider possible degree opportunities post A Levels. Students had access to the Bloomberg Trading Room where they experienced first hand trading shares on the global stock market. They were able to view global financial data, news and information, accessing the same information platform used by leading business, financial and government decision makers and media professionals around the globe.
In term 2 five of our Year 13 business students successfully applied to join the Bristol University Access to Bristol Business Management and Economics programme. Access to Bristol provides local students with an unprecedented opportunity to experience life at the University within the Social Sciences faculty and supports those applying for degree courses. The business management sessions aim to develop critical thinking and analytical skills, which are highly attractive to employers and for future job prospects. The economics stream gives students an insight into how to think like an economist and apply some of the economist’s tools, such as data analysis and economic reasoning, to better understand these global problems. We wish the students luck as they begin their studies with this programme.
Our Year 12 business students worked together along with Year 12 enrichment students to create a wonderful festive market this year for the whole community. There was lots to purchase including bottle lights, stocking fillers, plants, tree decorations and sweet treats. However the Lucky Dip proved to be as popular as ever with students queuing up! The team raised a fantastic £300 which they have donated to Cancer Research to support the work they do in finding new treatments. On Thursday 7th December some of the social enterprise students set up and ran a small Christmas Market at the Community Carols event and raised £48 for the Pill Food Hub. Thank you to all those involved and for supporting these events.
Mrs Shephard, Head of Business Studies
Black History Month
Throughout October we celebrated Black History Month in tutor time and assemblies. The theme for this year was 'Saluting Our Sisters' and students learnt about Black Women who are ground breaking leaders in their field. We paid homage to black women who had contributions ignored, ideas appropriated and voices silenced.
Students were introduced to individual 'sheroes' and learnt about their achievements. Some of these were familiar names such as Baroness Lawrence, Mary Seacole or Rosa Parks but we also got to know about those whose accomplishments are less well known such as Lynette Yiadom-Boakye or Stella Dadzie.
We also saw the return of our Black History Month Football match, something that is becoming a firm fixture in our school calendar. Students and staff turned out to watch the Year 10 team take on the Year 11 students. The game was officiated by Sixth Form students alongside PE staff. As always, the game showcased the best of St Katherine's with students observing a minute's silence and respectfully taking the knee at the start of the match. Competition was fierce and there were some standout performances by the Year 10 team who were not at all daunted by taking on older players. The result was a 1-0 win to Year 11.
Mrs Crocker, Assistant Headteacher
Anti-Bullying Week
This year's Anti-Bullying Week encouraged us all to 'make a noise about bullying' and we used tutor time and assembly to remind everyone in our community to 'Tell Someone' if they are worried about themselves or someone else. Students were reminded that it is their responsibility to tell someone and we examined the roles of the bystander and the upstander in incidents of bullying. Students were asked to consider how they can be an upstander when they see something that is not right. We discussed how to call something out in a safe way and looked again at the ways available to tell someone including the anonymous form on our school website.
Student leaders worked with Mrs Crocker to create the St Katherine's Anti-Bullying Pledge that reminds us all of our role in making our school a safe place to work and learn. The tutor representatives and House Leaders are working on a project with DAT to create an installation for reception that will serve as a lasting reminder of our responsibility and commitment.
Mrs Crocker, Assistant Headteacher
Sixth Form Update |
At time of writing we are only 48 hours from the most hotly-anticipated event in the Sixth Form Calendar. Well, other than A Level results day … no, actually, this is bigger. It’s the Sixth Form Christmas Decorations Competition. Mrs Shephard has still not forgiven me for the controversial decision to award last year’s prize to 6GAB’s spectacular Santa’s Workshop construction. To be fair, if you’d spent weeks constructing an actual Winter Wonderland in your classroom, only to end up with a silver medal, you might be annoyed as well. Who knows what 2023 will bring? Will the newcomer 6GF come up trumps? Will 6SL improve on last year’s bizarre Christmas Rap Battle? Or will this be the year Mr Hodgson’s avant-garde art installation finally receives the credit he strongly feels it deserves? Only time will tell - keep an eye out for our term 3 newsletter to find out…
This has been a long term and, as ever, we have been impressed with the resilience and focus shown by our post-16 cohort. This term’s focus on Wider Reading has been enriching and rewarding, and we look forward to seeing the impact of this supercurricular engagement on students’ in-class learning and future applications.
The Sixth Form Enterprise Team took a lead on the Christmas Market, and did a stunning job. Mrs Shephard ran out of superlatives to throw at the team, whose hard work led to a donation of £300 being made to Cancer Research. Incredible.
We have once again had a range of enrichment opportunities and external speakers designed to broaden horizons and grow aspirations. Speakers this term have included the London Interdisciplinary School giving an insight into their fresh, exciting take on further education, as well as Coventry and Bath universities, Screenology discussing careers in the media and law firm Michelmore helping develop our students’ employability skills. We have had trips to the Royal Mint and Warner Brothers studios, while a group of Year 13 students were also taken on a fantastic Economics Taster Day at UWE, sampling their world-class facilities - huge thanks to Miss Gardiner for organising this.
Outside the classroom and onto the muddy fields, our cross-Trust rugby team has continued to go from strength to strength, participating in several fixtures this term. Kanye Christie was very happy to inform us that, due to a brace of tries in their last game, he is now the all-time record scorer for the (newly-formed) CST RFC. Congratulations, Kanye. May your record not last too long.
Finally, this term has seen three students conduct Oxford and Cambridge interviews, following a range of mock interviews and preparatory sessions, supported by our colleagues at Bristol Cathedral Choir School. We now eagerly await the outcomes of these interviews in the new year.
Year 13 now turn their focus to their January mocks and external exams, which begin on January 8th. The next two weeks are a time for rest and recuperation among family and friends, but it’s important to also use this time to ensure they are fully prepared for these all-important exams.
Season’s greetings and take care,
Mr Davies, Head of Sixth Form
Sixth Form artists visit London galleries
Year 12 art A Level students attended an inspirational, exciting visit to London galleries in early December - Tate Modern and a visit to the newly curated permanent display at the National Portrait Gallery.
Students drew and photographed exhibits in the galleries; the documented experience will form an important part of the students' coursework submission for their art A Level.
Ms Tallis, Head of Art
Media students visit Warner Brothers Studios
We had a fantastic trip to the Warner Brothers studios tour this year. Mrs Weatherson, accompanied by Mr Court and Miss Smith, travelled to London by coach with 46 media and photography students from years 10-13.
Arriving at the Warner Brothers Studio, we were greeted by staff and taken to an incredible workshop about how films are born and developed with the absolute highlight being when Erin and Isabel were asked to try on the trousers worn by Hagrid's body double - let's just say that they were a little on the large side!
Following the workshop we made our way around the tour which is a truly magical experience and allowed the students to see some of the wonders of what goes on behind the scenes of a huge franchise and, hopefully, left them feeling inspired of the possibilities for their future in the creative industries.
Mrs Weatherson, Head of Creative Digital Arts
BAE systems visit
St Katherine's School welcomed MGA who were working in collaboration with BAE Systems, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy to deliver an engaging theatre roadshow celebrating STEM for Year 8. The show was aligned to the National Curriculum and offered a 50 minute performance to inspire and engage students. The theme of the show was ‘From the depths of the oceans to outer space.’ They examined the engineering challenges that are faced when travelling to the most inhospitable places and discovered some of the innovative solutions to these problems.
Miss Gardiner, Careers Leader
Art trip to Bristol
Creative arts students in Years 10, 12, and 13 took part in our annual art and textiles trip to Bristol on Thursday 30 November 2023. Students visited the Royal West of England Academy and the Royal Fort Gardens followed by Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.
This was a fantastic opportunity for students to experience other artists’ work first-hand, record from first-hand observation, gather ideas and further strengthen their coursework.
All students were a real credit to St Katherine's and conducted themselves beautifully whilst in the gallery space.
"I really enjoyed the trip - getting out of the classroom and being able to take lots of primary photos of artwork has taught me more than I feel I would usually learn in the classroom" - Ellie McPhearson, Y10
"I found it interesting seeing the link between the art we create in class and how it can be translated into real life" - Jackson Burbridge, Y10
Miss Venn, Teacher of Design and Technology
Headteacher commendations |
Key Stage 3
Year 7: Wilf Fellowes, Jarra Tourey, Morgan Prince, Emma Matthews, Olivia Richardson, Anouk Delve, Finn Blakeney and Plum Marris.
Year 8: Eve Ward, Freddie Kingdon, Emily Brosa, Evie Sell, Emily Brosa, Elsa Thorp, Marcel Maciol and Grace Elliott.
Year 9: Harvey Bambury and Greta O'Toole-Akraka.
Key Stage 4 and 5
Year 10: Eliza Hillitt, Liam Davies, Kiyona Francis, Bobby Millett, Dan Stewart, Victoria Reid and Tia-Mai Wass.
Year 11: Oscar Pearson, Lyla Moore, Emily Sell, Evie Roberts, Olive Pearson, Marta Santo Antonio and Isobell Bennet.
Sixth Form: Waide Watson, Madeline Thomas, Noah Sarkalas and Belle Fey.
House Championship |
Unstoppable Stephenson!
As we approach the end of Term 2 we are wondering whether anyone will be able to catch Stephenson House and prevent them from achieving a hat trick of House Championships. They end Term 2 in the lead and it has been some time since anyone else led the competition. Despite end of term tiredness, the determination of Mrs Price, Miss Andrews and Mr Murdoch to prevent another Stephenson win is undimmed.
This term is defined by dark mornings and cold days and that is why we choose to focus on attendance at this time of year. To achieve excellence, you have to show up every day that you are able. This term's ethos competition recognises the house with the best attendance, in order to remind everyone that we need to be resilient to make sure we come to school every day to make the most of the opportunities on offer. The Heads of House have been relentless in their promotion of these key messages and we are delighted that despite all of the winter challenges we face, our overall school attendance is in good shape. Yousafzai House has the best attendance this term and therefore won the 200 points associated with the ethos competition. Turing and Pankhurst tied for second place and Stephenson were fourth.
There has been so much sport this term with cross country and winter house competitions running back to back. Sport is such an integral part of our community and it has been fantastic to see so many students taking part. In the winter sport competition, Stephenson won overall and Turing won the cross country, a victory that meant a great deal to Mrs Price who values participation most of all.
Term 2 contains so many seasonal competitions that celebrate this time of year and we have had pumpkin carving, Christmas tree decorations and winter photography that concludes in January and it has been fantastic to see so much creativity on show. The highlight of this is always the Winter Card competition and there were so many beautiful and thoughtful designs submitted that Mr Humphreys is using to share Christmas wishes with friends of St Katherine's School. Congratulations to Turing House and in particular Jaihan Singarda who was the overall winner.
Mrs Crocker, Assistant Headteacher
Pankhurst House Update |
One of the joys of being a Head of House is that you are never quite sure what the day will throw your way and it's fair to say Pankhurst House have kept me busy over the last seven weeks. We've had a turbulent term, mirroring the weather, however we end the term with much to celebrate.
We have won the Christmas Tree decoration competition for the second year running and also finished second again in the pumpkin carving competition, which was closely fought this year with great entries across the board. We also won the Rock/Paper/Scissors competition for the first time in our history (!) and I thank our competitors for getting involved and winning vital points for the House.
More points were gained in the Autumn and Winter House Sport competitions. A special mention to our year 7 and year 8 boys who finished second in their Autumn sport competitions and to the year 8 girls who finished first. Also worth a mention are the performances of the year 7 and year 10 girls who finished second in their Winter Sport competitions and the year 9 boys who redeemed themselves after a unusually poor showing in the Autumn Sport by getting first in their Winter Sport Competition.
The Ethos competition was based around attendance this term and it was as close a competition as I can remember. Pankhurst House started really well and were leading going into the last two weeks but we dropped off over the last week or so and Yousafzai just pipped us and we held on to share second place with Turing. I was glad the competition ended when it did as we picked up a lot of illness at the end of this term that could have cost us further.
Perhaps the most pleasing development in term 2 was the improvement of the House in the various reading competitions we have at St Katherine's. We have made significant increases in the number of reading logs being completed and have gone from 4th to 1st in the Bucket List book review competition for year 9. We had the opportunity to celebrate three students becoming word millionaires, meaning that they have read a million words over the year so far - well done to Morgan (7P2), Emma (7P2) and Evie (8P), a fantastic effort.
With only 125 points between 4th and 1st going into Christmas it's fair to say that we will all start the holidays optimistic about our chances of success in term 3. Until then I wish everyone a very merry Christmas on behalf of the staff and students in Pankhurst House.
Mr Murdoch, Head of Pankhurst House
Stephenson House Update |
As term 2 comes to a close and the nights draw in, I am proud to recount some of the great successes Stephenson House have enjoyed. From sport to art and from quizzes to creative writing, whatever the challenge has been we have met it with integrity, enthusiasm and kindness.
I am extremely grateful to have been handed a house with two outstanding house leaders in Oliver and Abdi. These two young men have fostered a caring, but competitive, spirit in Stephenson House and set a brilliant example for the tutor reps, sports reps and the wider Stephenson community. I would also like to congratulate Abdi on his Hajj and we all look forward to hearing about it when he returns.
At the start of term 2 the students in 11S faced their most rigorous task so far in the form of their mocks. I am pleased to report that they conducted themselves with grace and dignity and have made great steps towards preparing themselves for the summer exam season. Now, more than ever, these students must understand that from adversity comes progress.
With pride and joy, I am honoured to say that Stephenson House are still leading the house championship at Christmas. However, the other houses are close on our heels. We started the term with a bang, as Stephenson House ran away with the halloween pumpkin carving competition. Moving from strength to strength we also were runners-up in both the Christmas card competition and the cross-country house sport contest. Well done to those who led the House and thank you to everyone who competed.
As an English teacher by trade it makes me very proud to see how Stephenson House has become a fortress of reading. We top the charts in years seven, eight and nine for completed reading logs and numbers of books quizzed on accelerated reader. Also, a huge congratulations to Jarra, Wilf, Anouk, Olivia, Plum, Freddie K, Freddie H and Eve who have all read over a million words so far this academic year.
While collectively we are really doing well, we also celebrate individual achievements with our Stephenson Superstars. Every week the Stephenson tutor team nominates a student who has demonstrated the core values of the house and the school. All 42 students receiving this recognition have been acknowledged by their tutors for various reasons—whether it be achieving personal goals, reflecting on, and making improvements in behaviour or attendance, or consistently demonstrating outstanding behaviour and perseverance. Regardless of the reason for receiving this honour, each student deserves a warm congratulations.
- 7S: Olivia Richardson, Plum Morris, Jarra Touray, Anouke Delve, Phoebe Boon and Daisy Willshire.
- 8S1: Ryan Sleigh, Bella Di Nardo, Wren Felton, Jack Weston, Louis Bulmer and Evie Turner.
- 8S2: Freddie Coombs, Mia Jaxa-Aksentowicz, Freddie Kingdon, Freddie Hayes, Isabelle TUrner and Beau Grace.
- 9S: Bence Sandor, Jessica Patten, Sasha Richards, Abbie Hoydan, Iqra Mashuk and Hugo Mildmay-Marie.
- 10S1: Tesheen Ahmad, Lily Stenning, Maisie Bobby, Ben Palmer, Ari Westerberg and Victoria Reid.
- 10S2: Ava Hocking, Corey Walters, Bella Lyons, Charlie Hewson, Jack Taylor and Izzi Healy-Hart.
- 11S: Abdulrahim Yusuf, Oliver Hecker, Oliver Belcher, Yannis Lam, Louie Elliot and Jack Dennis.
To all Stephenson students who have led the way in house sport and competitions, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep up the good work in 2024.
As I reflect on the year and look ahead I must thank one of the longest serving members of the school community, Mrs Julie Ball. After 14 years of service to the young people of St Katherine’s School and the wider local community Mrs Ball is moving on. I would like to wish her all the best in her future endeavours from both myself and the whole of Stephenson House.
So, we reflect on an extraordinary year. I know Mr Thomas moved on with a heavy heart in the summer. I can see why. Stephenson House is a very special community full of some of the most intelligent, kind, thoughtful, competitive, charming and wonderful students. Bring on the new year and let’s see what we can achieve together going forward!
With warm festive regards.
Mr Court, Head of Stephenson House
Turing House Update |
As we approach the festive season, it is with great pleasure that I share the incredible accomplishments and inspiration that has filled Turing House during Term 2. Our students have continued to shine individually and as a team, reflecting the unity that defines our close-knit house community.
I am proud to lead a house where students consistently exhibit teamwork, determination and excellence. The support from our Tutor Team and House Leaders, Evie Roberts, George Wilkinson and Roary Gallagher has been instrumental in fostering this spirit.
In November, our Year 11 students faced the challenge of mock examinations with commendable dedication and perseverance. Their commitment to both academics and house activities during this demanding period is truly inspiring. To our Year 11 students, I extend my congratulations and wish you a well-deserved break over the upcoming holidays.
On the broader front, I am thrilled to announce that a collaborative effort between staff members and our students has resulted in an outstanding achievement - Term 2 attendance reached an impressive 100% for 74 pupils. This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to the determination and commitment of our students. Well done!
Now, let's celebrate the individual achievements with this term's Tremendous Weekly Turings. All 42 students receiving this recognition have been acknowledged by their tutors for various reasons - whether it be achieving personal goals, reflecting and making improvements in behaviour or attendance, or consistently demonstrating outstanding behaviour and perseverance. Regardless of the reason for receiving this honour, each student deserves a warm congratulations.
- 7T: Eesha Glen-Sawlani, Bruce Malnas, Alex Lincoln, Sofia Mueller, Raia Hunt and Sam Atkinson.
- 8T1: Isla Powell, Ross McGregor, Jay Jackson, Jasper Leung, Jaihan Singarda and Sophia Wilkinson.
- 8T2: Phia Hawkes, Marisa Llewelyn, Oscar Packham, Sam Sims, Skye Smith and Noami Rundle.
- 9T: Faria Azim, Harvey Bambury, Oscar Thomas, Molly Powell, Sam Oakman and Ed Burge.
- 10T1: Naimah Dolla, Matei Achim, Ellie Stallard, Alex Caveille and Rudy Gardner.
- 10T2: Jackson Burbridge, Ella Bartovsky, Eva Stojalowski, Sam Nmai, Thomas Earle and Eliza Hillett.
- 11T: Oscar Caton, Daisy Finlan, Bess Stevens, George Wilkinson, Khianna Palmer and Zac Kington.
At the end of each term, each Turing tutor recognises the outstanding achievements of a Turing student in their tutor group by awarding them the Magnificent Turing Student of the term. This prestigious award is often awarded to an individual who has demonstrated unwavering resilience and overcome their own challenges, or has consistently embodied the core values of Turing House and are shining examples not only within the Turing community but also at St Katherine's. Their commitment to these values serves as an inspiration to their peers and a source of pride for our entire school. Without further ado, let us extend our heartfelt congratulations to:
- 7T: Eesha Glen-Sawlani - Eesha brings insightful and positive comments to any classroom she is in, engaging with work in a respectful and mature way. She has taken the lead in running 7T as a tutor rep and is endlessly motivated despite any challenge. Keep it up!
- 8T1: Erin Whitfield - Erin brings a positivity into the tutor room each day as a member of 8T1 and as sports captain. She is an organised, self motivated student which is reflected in the positive points she gains. Keep up the excellent work!
- 8T2: George Gittoes - A hardworking individual who always tries his best. Has had only positive praise points this term and a positive attitude to learning and his peers.
- 9T: Emily James - Relentless enthusiasm and positivity in everything you do. You set a brilliant example for all of us.
- 10T1: Cerys Voisey - Incredible leadership skills as sports captain this year. Your dedication to the house sport competitions encourages our tutor group to participate and have fun!
- 10T2: Erin Reeves - consistently demonstrates determination through her daily efforts, showcasing an exemplary commitment to their academic journey - 100% attendance and 100% behaviour ratio!
- 11T: Oscar Caton - Oscar is a role model to the rest of the tutor group. He is self-motivated and has worked conscientiously to prepare himself for the Year 11 mock exams this term. He is incredibly self-reflective and is always striving to be the best version of himself.
An ardent thank you to all participants in the Winter Card Competition. Congratulations to our talented winners:
- Jaihan Singarda - 8T1 (1st place)
- Eleana Antonio - 9T (2nd place)
- Mallory Kennan - 7T (3rd place)
A heartfelt congratulations to Jaihan Singarda for his exceptional first-place entry. Your talent and artistic flair have not only earned individual recognition but have also played a significant role in securing the top spot for Turing House.
I am delighted to share the exhilarating news that, in the Winter Card Competition, Turing House has achieved an incredible 1st place when compared to the other three houses! This outstanding success is a testament to the creativity, dedication and collective spirit of our students. The Winter Card Competition was not just a triumph for our house; it was a heartwarming endeavour that spread joy and warmth throughout the entire school community. To all those who entered in Turing House, your contributions have made a lasting impact, showcasing the positive and creative energy that defines Team Turing.
I am thrilled to share the incredible success of our students in the Winter House sport competitions, netball and rugby. After leading the way in the Autumn House sport cross country competition, Team Turing once again united with determination and skill, showcasing the true spirit of our house.
A special mention goes to the exceptional students of 7T, who demonstrated outstanding sporting prowess and togetherness by securing first place in the netball competition and an impressive second place in rugby. Their commitment to excellence and teamwork embodies the values we hold dear in Turing House.
I am pleased to announce that all students who represented Turing House in these competitions played a crucial role in helping us secure an overall second-place finish. This achievement marks a significant improvement from the previous year and speaks volumes about the dedication and skill of our athletes.
As the saying goes, "The strength of the team is each individual member." Team Turing has once again proven the power of unity, collaboration and sportsmanship. Congratulations to all our athletes, coaches, and supporters for contributing to this remarkable success.
As we celebrate these remarkable achievements, let us carry this momentum into the upcoming term. I am immensely proud of each member of Turing House for your enthusiasm and teamwork.
A few last words from me before I close the last Turing Newsletter of 2023 must go to a long standing member of the school community, Mrs Julie Ball. After 14 years of service to the young people of Turing House and their families, as well as the rest of the school, she is moving on to pastures new. Though not without a huge congratulations from the whole of Turing. Mrs Ball, your dedication to the young people of the school does not go unnoticed, as well as the continued support of parents and staff over the past 14 years! We will miss you, but wish you all the best in your new chapter!
That brings 2023 to a close. I wish you all a joyful holiday and I am looking forward to our continued success in the upcoming term.
Mrs Price, Head of Turing House
Yousafzai House Update |
I think everyone in Yousafzai House is ready to have a good restful break. We have been working really hard this term to try and make up some points in the house championship with a particular focus on attendance. Our efforts paid off and we came first in the attendance competition, winning 200 points for the house!
There have been lots of other competitions going on this term. One of the biggest shout outs is to Mya Chambers who created the most incredible entry for the Christmas card competition. How she did not win, I do not know! Finn Blakeney, Ava Gordon-Nipress, Charlie Carkeek and Imogen Slee were also picked out for their brilliant entries. Finn Blakeney also entered the tree decoration competition with a beautiful yellow paper snowflake - one of the most intricate things I have ever seen. The year 8 and year 9 girls have put a brilliant effort into their house sport competitions and won for their year group. The year 10 boys dominated in the house rugby competition and a big shout out to Luca James-Neale who played a big part in that. All of this means that we currently hold second position in the house championship which is great! Still a lot to do to catch up with Stephenson and we need a particular focus on our house sport across all year groups. Turing are not far behind us so we need to do everything we can to hold our place.
Reading is an important element of life at St Katherine’s and a huge part of the house championship. Year 7-9 students need to be filling out their reading log daily and Years 7-8 quizzing their books. Please support your children to do this so we can ensure we win these house competitions.
We have had a couple of weeks off in-person assemblies this term due to Year 11 mock exams. We met recently where we thought about being an upstander and calling out bullying behaviour and derogatory language. We considered how Malala Yousafzai is an upstander and how she called out the oppressive behaviour of the Taliban against girls in Pakistan and not letting them going to school. We thought about how our words have power - power to hurt or to help and the call upon of all Yousafzai students to use their voice for good.
A big shout out to 8Y who have been working on improving their behaviour and won the elephant for being the best tutor group in Yousafzai at the end of this term - well done and keep it up!
All in Yousafzai need to take the time this Christmas to rest and be ready for the new year in January, to fight for our place again in the house championship.
Thank you to all parents and carers for their continued support of Yousafzai students and a big thank you to Yousafzai students who make the house what it is.
For those who celebrate it - I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!
Miss Andrews, Head of Yousafzai House
PE and Sport News |
As ever, the run-in to the Christmas holiday has been a busy one for PE with lots of students making the most of every opportunity on offer.
- The main highlight this term has been our house sport events where students have fought for points in benchball, dodgeball, netball and rugby competitions! Autumn house sport events were dominated by Turing as they polled more points than any of their competitors. However, Stephenson took all of the plaudits in our winter competitions to jump in front in the overall house sport competition. We've had more than 550 students represent their houses this term and leading the way in terms of turnout are Year 9 where more than 75% of students were involved in our competitions.
- In the penultimate week of term our Year 7 and 8 sportshall athletics teams took the North Somerset competitions by storm once more with all four of our teams finishing in the top three across all 12 secondary schools in the area. Congratulations to our Year 7 boys, Year 7 girls and Year 8 boys teams who all won their events and go on to represent North Somerset at the West of England County Finals which will take place in February. Commiserations to our Year 8 girls who missed out on qualification by an agonising two points - a fantastic effort from them nonetheless!
- We still have our U13 boys, U14 girls and U14 boys in the Somerset football cup competitions. A trip down to Stanchester awaits the U13 boys whilst the U14 girls are due to host Robert Blake in the New Year. The U14 boys await the winner of Frome College and West Somerset College. We wish all of our teams good luck for their next round ties!
- Some of our bravest and most determined students represented the school at the North Somerset Cross Country event back in November, this talented group posted one of our best ever team performances at the Championships. Impressively 11 students qualified to run for the local authority at the Avon Schools Championships in 2024. Special mentions to Blythe and Heidi Martineau who won their respective events and Manon Herzog who took the bronze medal in her race - great running from great athletes!
- Leadership has continued to rumble on in the background and earlier this term we hosted some local KS1 children for a multiskills festival. We were proud to have more than 20 student leaders from across the school assisting with the event with numerous staff commenting on the quality of their leadership. Leadership is big business at St Katherine's and already this year there have been lots of opportunities to get involved.
- Lots of students have been busy representing the school in a whole range of sporting activities. We've had everything from short mat bowls to basketball, including football, hockey, netball, athletics and others. Already this year there are more than 300 students who have earned caps for the school with hundreds more attending our weekly clubs and practices. If you are someone who hasn't found your activity fix yet, come and speak to your PE teacher and they will be happy to help you!
- If you want to read about everything that has happened in PE this term, you can subscribe to our PE and sport newsletter by completing the form at http://bit.ly/skpenews.
Mr Cook, Head of PE
Term 3 dates for your diary |
- 02 January: INSET day - school closed to students
- 03 January: Students in school for Term 3
- 10 January: Year 10 Virtual Progress Evening
- 22 January: Coffee with the Headteacher
- 24 January: Year 11 Virtual Progress Evening
- 30 January: Year 8 HPV vaccinations
- 31 January: Sixth Form trip to Cadbury World
- 02 February: Year 9 Aircraft Challenge Stem Day
- 05-08 February: Year 12 Geography trip to Devon
- 07 February: Year 10 Business trip to UWE
- 07 February: Year 9 Virtual Options Evening
- 09 February: End of Term 3
- 09-17 February: Ski trip to Folgaria, Italy
- 19 February: Students in school for Term 4
School Administrator required from 1st March 2024
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic individual to work as part of our general administrative team undertaking a range of reception and clerical duties to support the school.
The successful candidate will need to be:
- highly efficient and organised with a ‘can do’ problem solving attitude - a team player with the ability to work effectively in a busy office environment - an excellent communicator with strong interpersonal skills and a calm and professional manner - competent and confident using IT (Microsoft and Google Apps)
For more information please see our website.
We're looking to expand our team of exam invigilators |
We need examinations invigilators during exam seasons (including 'mocks') through the year. Hours are flexible between 8 am and 4 pm and can vary according to your availability and the examinations timetable.
Contract: Casual, required as soon as possible.
Further information about the school, the post and how to apply can be found on the school website, please contact Mrs Bean, Exams Officer, with any queries.
St Katherine’s is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The post is subject to DBS Barred list and Enhanced Disclosure checks.
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