Term 2 Newsletter - December 2019 |
Message from Mr Humphreys, Headteacher |
The end of another long and busy term is drawing to a close with our incredible, sold out school show, winter sports week and festive whole school lunch - our biggest mission ever with lunch for over 800!
Mock exams dominate the minds of our Year 11 students during the month of December and there is always a welcome sigh of relief from students when they are finally over. Their engagement and focus have impressed teachers across subjects and the speed of feedback has been our focus. The mocks provide an important insight for both teachers and students and a useful focus as we head into 2020. We look forward to sharing their results in January during our mock results assembly, before the subject evening on the 16th of January. It was great to see many of our Year 11 students exploring their sixth form options and pathways at our Sixth Form Open Evening, sharing their future aspirations with us.
Year 7 and 8 have enjoyed their second term of electives on a Tuesday, a new part of their curriculum with students enjoying choir and games opportunities this year. We will be working with students to expand this option during terms three and four, exposing all our students to more opportunities as they progress through St Katherine’s.
Students have embraced democracy in December taking part in our St Katherine’s election, developing their understanding and recognising the importance of voting. The politics club lead by Miss Hughes were left frantically counting the votes for a swift announcement for Friday morning tutor time. Listening to students engage in conversations around the election was powerful as they learnt to listen carefully and respectfully to each other while articulating their own views - a landslide Labour victory!
Our school shows continue to deliver the highest quality performances and this year ‘Miss Saigon’ was no different - an incredible cast, huge orchestra and a great team of expertise working together to pull off a night to remember. Some great moments and first class performances, executed to perfection - the camaraderie between the cast was evident, creating special memories for many years. With so many different elements involved in the production, the commitment from everyone concerned has been above and beyond, including a number of staff members who have assisted in a variety of ways over recent months. From the support crew, site team, staff support and the whole cast, everyone played their part to pull off another great three nights of entertainment. It was also great to see former students now pursuing careers and studies in the performing arts returning to St Katherine’s to help with the show. Huge congratulations to the performing arts team and thank you for supporting us.
As part of our wide-reaching programme to drive improvement across the school we are continually trialling and evaluating new approaches to raise standards for both students and staff. This term we have been:
- working with the Cathedral Schools Trust and external consultants to measure the progress we have been making and to ensure the next phase of our journey is clearly understood.
- focusing on our curriculum and the content of each lesson and unit across all subjects within the school and asking ourselves tough questions around our content - why do we teach this unit / lesson? Our curriculum continues to evolve and curriculum maps are available to parents/carers on our website.
If you wish to join us in discussing the progress and changes the school is making, our next Parent/Carer Association meeting is on Thursday 16th January, 7-8pm, so please come along if you can. If you can’t come along all meeting presentations and notes will be on our website.
We have introduced Hot Chocolate Friday this term which provides an opportunity for students to be congratulated and recognised for their positive contributions to the school and allows them to suggest possible changes they would welcome within our community. Another great example of how we accentuate the positives at St Katherine’s and take time to recognise the valuable contributions and ideas from our wonderful young people.
Our Christmas lunch reached new heights this year with a record number of lunches being served throughout the day. It is a wonderful occasion and always a pleasure to see students creating great memories and exchanging gifts with each other. A great team effort by our wonderful canteen staff ably assisted by the Sixth Form gave each tutor group a truly memorable occasion.
Finally I’d like to wish you all a wonderful festive break and a very happy new year. I look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 7 January.
Justin Humphreys, Headteacher
Headteacher Commendations |
Impressive artists
Students studying GCSE art have produced some incredible pieces this term and the following students have received commendations from Mr Humphreys for their consistent hard work and outstanding effort:
Year 10: Rosa Thomson, Evie Dexter, Phoebe Durrant, Issy Howie, Molly Green, Jay Anderson, Leah Blatchford, Ruby Stephens, Katie Clarke, Joel Wardingly, Morgan Dun.
Year 11: Anida Bonomo, Annika Rugman, Joanne Bromfield, Bethia Brown, Grace Newby, Viktoria Fekete, Judit Molnar, Edith Powell, Eugene Furniss.
Every week a piece of art work is selected and shared on our Facebook page and Twitter feeds - please follow us to see the creative pieces from our talented students.
Rotary young chefs
Hospitality students have recently taken part in the school heat of the 2019 Rotary Young Chef of the Year competition. They designed a three course menu, prepared and cooked two portions of each dish in two hours and for a budget of £20!
It was won by Mortimer Hogg, who now moves on to face the winners of other schools in North Somerset. Mortimer received a Headteacher's commendation along with the other participants from St Katherine's; Jamie Page, Bethia Brown, Tony Tanner and Jaz Peacey.
Reading millionaires
Younger students have also been recognised with Headteacher commendations for their achievements in the Accelerated Reader programme. Year 7 and 8 students follow the programme which means we can work with them on an individual basis to improve their reading. Students read books at the right level for them and take a quick computer quiz when they finish each book to check their understanding. Every time a student passes a quiz they earn house points, as well as increasing their word count. Emily Sell, Josh Murphy, Eva Hayes, Oscar Caton and Patrik Miles have all been commended for becoming "Reading Millionaires".
Sixth Form Update |
Term 2 has been another busy term in the Sixth Form with students continuing to demonstrate their hard work and commitment.
Open Evening
We hosted the Sixth Form Open Evening in November, and it was a pleasure to welcome prospective students to the event. Students had the opportunity to discuss course options with staff and meet with current sixth formers. Following the evening, Mr Colebourne has begun the process of meeting with each applicant to discuss their future plans and subject choices. Starting in January, there will be a series of subject taster sessions to enable students to fully understand what each subject is like post-16 - these are particularly important when a subject is new to a student!
We will begin sending out offer letters in the new year. If you are yet to apply, our deadline for applications is 10 January 2020. You can apply online or by collecting a paper application form from your tutor.
Future Applications
Year 13 have been busy readying their applications for their future destinations this term, and many have already made their submission to UCAS in advance of the 15 January 2020 deadline. Most students are now holding at least one offer, with many students holding 3 or 4. By April they will have heard from all universities and must choose a ‘firm’ and ‘insurance’ choice.
Cautionary note: a number of universities use the tactic of making an unconditional offer (i.e. grades do not matter) providing students make the university their ‘firm’ choice. This can sometimes sway students away from their real first choice. At St Katherine’s Sixth Form we would always encourage students to be aspirational in their selections.
Students not applying to university and considering apprenticeships should be using apprenticeship search sites (gov.uk, UCAS) to seek out opportunities relevant to them - we also send emails to students advertising any positions that are shared with us.
Year 13 Mock Exams
Year 13 mock examinations will take place in the first two weeks back after the Christmas Holidays. These are an important milestone for students, and should be used to ensure there is a secure foundation of knowledge to build on as we head into the last few months of their time with us. Mr Colebourne has spoken to students about the importance of getting the balance right between having a well earned break over the holidays, and making the most of the time to prepare thoroughly for their forthcoming exams. Effort made now will put students in a stronger position when they come to begin revision for their terminal examinations in the summer. Timetables have been shared with students this week.
Attendance Expectations
A reminder we expect students to be in sixth form from 8:40 until 15:20, unless they do not have a timetabled session during Period 5, when they are permitted to take home study from 14:20. In the event that students do not arrive on site in time for registration, they should sign in with Mrs Papworth, or in her absence, Student Support Office. If a student is absent and we have not received notice of this, a text message will be sent to make parents / carers aware their son / daughter is not on site. This is an important part of work to ensure students are safe and raise attendance - we know that attendance improves outcomes for students.
Study Expectations
Do you discuss with your son/daughter how much time they spend studying? It is our expectation (and the expectation of sixth forms up and down the country!) that students spend an hour studying independently for every hour they spend in the classroom - this means 4 hours studying per subject each week! We will be launching with students at the beginning of Term 3 “How to fly in…” subject guides that will help direct students how to spend their time when they think they have done everything and be as successful as they can be during their time with us.
Sixth Formers collect for the Julian Trust
Our sixth form students organised a collection of donations of food, toiletries and clothing for the Julian Trust in Bristol. The trust runs an emergency night shelter for the homeless and for rough sleepers in Bristol. Usually, the night shelter is open five nights every week, most nights it is used by between 80 and 100 guests who are served dinner between 9.30pm and 10.30pm. During the Christmas period, the night shelter is taken over by Caring at Christmas. It opens the Christmas Shelter for 24 hours a day for seven to ten days. During this time, seasonal food and entertainment are provided. This makes an enormous difference to those who have no roof and family over the Christmas period. On Wednesday 18 December Mr Colebourne took four students - Drew Hastings, Kyra Beattie, Anna Pope and Ana Rodrigues-Costa - and a minibus full of donations to the shelter which were gratefully received by the volunteers.
Fundraising fun |
Staff and students across St Katherine's have been involved in a variety of fundraising activities and events during this term, supporting a range of local and national charities.
Festive Market
Our Festive Market last Friday was a fabulous event, with students from a number of year groups coming together to help set up and run the market. We sold a range of homemade gifts, sweets and held a lucky dip, raising a fantastic £348 to go to CentrePoint who work to help support young people who are homeless.
A number of staff from the St Katherine's community took part in Movember this year, raising money for the Men’s Health charity by growing moustaches throughout November. Thanks to everyone's moral support and generous donations, the staff involved raised nearly £650 for men's health - a fantastic achievement!
Year 12 Enterprise events
Year 12 have held several successful events since September as part of their business diploma courses including:
- Year 7 disco - a great evening raising £89 for Children in Need and lots of very happy students who enjoyed the event - so much so they have asked for another one in 2020!
- Pop up burger restaurant held in the Leaf - a great lunchtime event showcasing delicious homemade food in an American diner themed setting. There were lots of happy customers and £85 was raised for Penny Brohn.
- A traditional sweet shop selling winter sweets raised £90 for the British Heart Foundation.
Sixth Form English trip to Haworth
On a crisp, November morning, 14 Sixth Form students and a pair of teachers embarked on a literary pilgrimage to God’s own country: Yorkshire. Their destination? The Brontë Parsonage, one of the pre-eminent settings in the history of the written word, nestled atop a hill in the seemingly innocuous industrial town of Haworth.
As well as spending the night in the country’s most haunted youth hostel (it’s not as scary as it sounds), students were given the opportunity to immerse themselves in the surroundings which inspired such literary masterpieces as ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘Jane Eyre’. They explored the Parsonage itself, soaking in the heritage of this remarkable place: from admiring Charlotte’s illustration, to learning about the savage genius of brother Branwell, to admiring the famous ‘tiny books’ in which the sisters penned their juvenalia, students were given an invaluable insight into the Brontës’ world. Day one concluded with a brisk, late-afternoon walk around the ‘wild and windy’ moors which so enchanted the sisters.
Following a disappointingly ghost-free evening, students returned to the Parsonage for an intimate lecture on the lives of these remarkable sisters, all of which will no doubt seep into the essays and coursework our students are currently engrossed in. They returned tired and inspired, swept up in the magic of the most remarkable family in literary history.
Ovid in the West Country competition
Two weeks ago, three of our Year 8 students Matthew Wilberforce, Victoria Karczewska and Leah Wardingly went to the University of Bristol as the finalists of the Ovid in the West Country competition. This is run every year by the University's Classics department in order to promote creativity and engagement with these classic tales of western literature. The whole year group demonstrated a fantastic response as they recreated the fall of Icarus, discussed the ethics of Theseus and even baked some excellent cakes.
Matthew was commended for his video by his teacher and the judges for an imaginative take on the story of Icarus. Victoria was highly commended for her realistic statue of the Minotaur's head, which the judges commenting on how it showed his role as a victim.
Ultimately, it was Leah Wardingly who won the main prize of the evening, beating over 400 students in the South West for the creation of her board game Ovido. Judges commended how it creatively reinvented the stories in a new way of storytelling, and brought to life all the exciting elements of these enduring stories. Leah was awarded a family ticket to the Roman Baths and all the students were congratulated by our staff.
Outdoor education at St Katherine's |
At St Katherine's we value the skills and talents students develop from engaging in a wide range of co-curricular activities. As well as PE, music, drama and the arts we offer students the opportunity to get involved with a variety of activities as part of an outdoor education programme.
Mr Hodgson runs the Adventure Training Club as well as being responsible for the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and the expedition to Borneo in summer 2021. He explained where his interest developed from:
"I have been passionate about outdoor activities since I was at school. I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time on Dartmoor, mainly climbing, camping and trekking, and also exploring the Lake District and learning navigational skills. Later on at university I spent a lot of time caving and surfing, which I still do as regularly as I can."
He went on to explain why he thinks it's important for young people to get involved:
"Outdoor activities help you to build resilience, learn new skills and push yourself further than you think you can go. Part of my role at St Katherine's is to allow students to have the same opportunities to explore the world and themselves that I had. So far this year, with St Katherine's Adventure Training Club, we have climbed mountains, surfed in the sunshine and crawled through caves. Even though there are times on these trips when students face their own struggles, they learn to overcome them and prove to themselves that they can do it!"
Brecon Beacons trekking
Students from years 9 to 12 enjoyed beautiful weather and a tough challenge in the first Adventure Training Club meet in the Brecon Beacons.
12 students started the walk by climbing out of Taf Fechan forest in the Brecon Beacons. Walking over to Fan y Bîg (719m), then scaling Cribyn (795m), Pen y Fan (886m) and finally Corn Du (873m) before taking spectacular views of the mountains from the otherside of the valley along Craig Gwaun Taf. Glorious sunshine but a stiff breeze made for a fantastic day of walking, with some great effort from all the walkers.
In November students from years 9 to 12 went underground, led by Mendip Outdoor Pursuits, for St Katherine’s Adventure Training Club’s second trip of the year.
Inside the cave the students made their way past bats and spiders and headed into the depths of the cave. Braving tight squeezes, shuffling down steep chimneys and experiencing the pitch black, the students navigated the underground challenges of Goatchurch Cavern.
Surfing trip to Westward Ho!
Mr Hodgson and Mr Bates took a group of Year 12 students to enjoy a day of beautiful weather and great surf in Westward Ho!, North Devon.
Braving a chilly morning (and an early start for a Sunday!) the students climbed into wetsuits and grabbed a board as both swell and wind dropped perfectly for their surf lessons, expertly delivered by North Devon Surf Academy. After two hours of being battered by waves and putting in a huge effort they rewarded themselves with chips, pasties and ice creams!
Leroy Rosenior visit
Last week we were excited to welcome Leroy Rosenior MBE into school to talk to students from Year 7-13 about his experiences of racism as a footballer. Leroy Rosenior is a professional football coach and pundit and a former professional footballer. He represented England as a youth international, before formally switching to represent the Sierra Leone national football team.
Rosenior is a leading anti-racism campaigner in British football and travels the country working as an ambassador for the Show Racism The Red Card campaign. In 2018 he was awarded an MBE for his work in tackling discrimination in football and elsewhere in society.
He inspired our students with commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and left us with the message that words are important. Thank you very much to Mrs Robinson for organising the visit.
Attendance update
We finished Term 2 with a total of 363 pupils on 100% with 40 pupils achieving 97-99% attendance. Seeing the dedication of pupils to improve their attendance is amazing, keep up the good effort!
Our target attendance is at least 97% so please take time to read our Attendance Guide to see how you can support your child's attendance.
Attendance top tips:
Please communicate your child’s absence by 7.30am on each day of absence by using the designated absence line 01275 376882. (Alternatively you can call the school on 01275 373737 and select the 'attendance' option)
Try to avoid routine medical/dental appointments in school hours - your child MUST return to school after appointments
If you are unsure whether to send your child into school if they are ill please speak to one of us for advice
If your child is upset about an incident please bring them to school the next morning to meet with a member of staff
We can only agree absence for holidays in term time for ‘Exceptional Circumstances’
Celebrating the performing arts |
Miss Saigon - Mrs Collins surprises the cast!
The school production of Miss Saigon was the culmination of months of hard work and incredible talent from across the St Katherine's community. Staff and students from both our school and BCCS were involved in performing, directing, choreographing, set building and designing - we were even fortunate enough to have former students return to lend their artistic talents including the creation of this stunning dragon!
A huge congratulations to all the cast and crew on such an impressive production. They will remember the excitement of show week in particular though as Mrs Collins surprised the students with a special good luck message from a member of the cast of the Miss Saigon world tour just before they went on stage on opening night - what a coup!
Cross-trust orchestra
Over recent weeks the music department at St Katherine’s has been a hive of activity working with our first ever cross-trust orchestra to provide the music for Miss Saigon. The orchestra was made up of 17 players including students from both Bristol Cathedral Choir School and St Katherine’s School alongside staff from both schools and two professional musicians. The orchestra was conducted by Mr Nicholls, Director of Specialism at the Cathedral Schools Trust.
The students have been absolutely amazing, tackling such a challenging and long musical score. The show lasts over two hours and the music literally never stops! They have learnt the parts in their own time and put in endless hours of practice. All of them worked incredibly hard and thoroughly impressed Miss Adams with their commitment, dedication, enthusiasm and musicality. The orchestra was filmed during the final performance on Thursday evening, giving us all a sneak peak backstage and the chance to listen again to their incredible sound!
Congratulations Sumaya!
We always love to hear news of our former students; some of you may remember Sumaya Hassan-Murphy, a talented and creative musician. She has recently been listed as one of the 24 most inspiring young people under the age of 24 in Bristol by Rife magazine. To enjoy some of Sumaya's work her video on YouTube also stars one of our current sixth formers, Laila Schlaadt-Goode!
Visual arts trips and events |
Royal West of England Academy and Bristol Museum
A group of 28 Year 10 and Year 12 students attended a very successful trip to the Royal West of England Academy, Bristol Museum and Bristol University Gardens on 19th November. The students worked hard to produce some outstanding drawing in the galleries and were commended by the staff at RWA as being 'completely focused, engaged and exceptionally polite.' Many of our students chatted with the staff members to gain a greater insight into the work on display and all work produced will form an important part of students' GCSE and A Level fine art coursework. Alex Birch commented: 'I think that the whole day was very beneficial for the art students that attended as it has given us inspiration and new ideas for our own work and has opened us up to varied forms of art'.
Tate Modern and the National Portrait Gallery
On 5th December a group of sixth form art A level students travelled to London with Ms Tallis for an inspirational day of exploring galleries. After a very early start to catch the coach they spent the morning at Tate Modern experiencing a wealth of exhibits including work by Yinka Shonibare and the American artist, Kara Walker before travelling to Trafalgar Square to take in the current sculpture on the Fourth Plinth by American-Iraqi artist, Michael Rakowitz.
The afternoon was spent at the National Portrait Gallery photographing and drawing from an incredible selection of portraits from Tudor to contemporary times. The work was truly inspirational for the students and the documentation of the visits will form a very important part of students' A Level coursework submission.
Christmas card competition
We recently held a Christmas card design competition, open to all students. Ms Tallis picked a short list of designs and Mr Humphreys picked four winners, one from each house. The four winners designs were then printed and have been used by the school. Each winner had house points awarded and a batch of cards printed with their own design as the prize for their creative effort. The winners were 1st place: Isaac Gambrell, 2nd place: Sophia Harper, 3rd place: Adam Howie and 4th place: Dan Falconer
House Championship |
Highlights from this term’s House Championship include the incredible designs students completed to create our school Christmas card. The winner was Isaac Gambrell in 7P1 who earned 100 points for Pankhurst House. Other amazing designs came from: Leah Wardingley 7Y, Frank McCann 7Y, Sophia Harper 8S2, Finley Belcher 7S1, Noah Sakalas 7P, Adam Howie 7Y, Max Varney 7T1, Liana Kaubaite 7P and Dan Falconer 7T
Our accelerated reader competition continues and Stephenson House are leading the way in term two.
Fun Fix Friday highlights include cup stacking, Christmas wrapping and the chubby bunny challenge. These opportunities for staff and students to compete alongside one another help forge relationships and build House ethos and as such are an important part of what the House Championship delivers at St Katherine's.
Most importantly however, the House Championship values most the things we feel are most important at school. In term one we focused on attendance. In term two our focus has been on punctuality. Pankhurst House have been far and away the best house in terms of their ability to be responsible and arrive to school and lessons on time. They therefore have won this term's ethos competition and have been awarded 250 points making them the house in the lead at the end of term two.
Pankhurst House Update |
There have been lots of positive things for us to celebrate in Pankhurst House this term. Seeing Pankhurst students playing their part in contributing to the excellent school show in the last week was a moment of real pride for me; their hard work, courage and dedication was a credit to the House and school. I have also been proud of some of the individual sporting achievements of Pankhurst students: Ollie Stratton and Ariel Rugman deserve recognition for being selected for the Bristol Rugby development squad and Toby Rice continues his excellence in cricket with selection for the Gloucestershire U15 squad. Toby collects praise points in school like he collects runs in cricket and currently has over 500 praise points, which places him comfortably at the top of the school leader board; well done Toby!
The ethos competition for the Houses this term has been based around punctuality and it’s really pleasing to have won this. As I have said numerous times to our House being on time is a matter of respect and it is great to be able to say we are setting the standard for the school in this manner. We also can congratulate another winner from Pankhurst House – Isaac Gambrell, who won the school Christmas card competition. Well done Isaac!
The most important Christmas competition for Pankhurst House though has been the annual Pankhurst ‘best dressed Christmas classroom’ competition. This was fiercely competitive again this year and once again it was 9P1 that just pipped 10P to the title, it’s possible the home made cookies may have swayed us, however the standard of their decoration and interactive nativity set a new bar for classes to reach next year. They deserve their kilo of chocolate!
Mr Murdoch, Head of Pankhurst House
Stephenson House Update |
It has been an incredibly busy term in Stephenson House with a huge amount of students immersing themselves in house life. The focus for this term has been around punctuality and ‘Growing the Greens and Reducing the Reds’. Our tutor group challenge for term two was the least amount of negatives. This has been won by 8S2 and I would like to say well done to them for their efforts which will see them rewarded with a film afternoon in term three.
At the start of the term we were able to bring together and select our Stephenson House Leadership team. This is a really important piece of work as we look to continue to shape our ethos and values as well as develop student voice within the House. A special mention to our House Leaders from Year 10 Joseph Williams, Niamh Gaynor and Ellie Ojo who have an important job of steering the leadership of the group.
Leadership team
7S:Jack Palmer Givan and Jasmine Oukrine
8S1: Joseph Crawford and Charlie Thoburn
8S2: Avalon Calvo Moore and Angel Chinn
9S: Jake Ralph and Danielle Cameron
10S (House Leaders): Joseph Williams, Niamh Gaynor and Ellie Ojo
Millionaire accelerated reader
A big and special mention to George Garland in 8S2 who is the schools first triple millionaire for accelerated reader. This is an unbelievable achievement and it is great to see his dedication to reading continues to progress. In fact, Stephenson House are top of the accelerated reader house competition and I would like to thank all the students in Year 7 and 8 who have worked so hard in this area. Reading is something we place great importance on in the house and it is lovely to see so many students embracing it.
House Sport
It has been a pleasure to see students of Stephenson House throw themselves into house sport competitions, it’s amazing how many students represented the house in the activities put on by the PE department! A big thank you to the house captains for their hard work in getting teams out.
Netball particularly proved a huge success, both the Year 7 and Year 10 Stephenson girls won their competition. In addition, Year 8 and 9 also finished as runners up, giving us the overall title for netball.
The boys also worked really hard in the rugby competition, the Year 10 boys won the title after a close run tournament against Pankhurst. The Year 8 boys also deserve a special mention as they finished second with their two tutor groups of 8S1 and 8S2.
I would also like to thank all the students that have stepped up for ‘Fun Fix Friday’ events, it has been great to see so many young people representing the house. We finally won an event in the Xmas wrapping competition after losses in the cup stacking and conker challenge!
Stephenson Stars of Term 2
Year 7: Daniel Hawkes, Chloe Philips, Reuben Peacock, Afifa Jagwe, Oliver Belcher, Eva Hayes and Daniel Young
Year 8: Abi Lebo, Tehreem Ahmad, Mason McIver, Polly Cole, Ethan Garbutt, Angel Chinn, Charlie Thoburn, Sophia Harper, Sam Belcher, Mya Morgan, Keeley Semple, Dillan Faulkner and George Garland (twice)
Year 9: Effie Lomax, Ali Mahmood, Adil Mohamood, Ahmed Hassan, Anaia Wokoh, Scarlett Newby and Alicia Majzel
Year 10: Rachael Ndungu, Chloe Iles, Jack Thoburn, Ellie Ojo, Eve Griffin, Matthew Grace and Ella Leakey
Leaderboard of Praise
- Charlie Topp- 405
- Danielle Cameron- 396
- Francine Allford- 394
- Charlie Thoburn- 392
- Dilan Faulkner- 391
- George Garland- 390
- Arthur Cleaver- 388
- Joseph Crawford- 382
- Viktoria Karczewska- 375
- Buster Barnes- 371
Finally I would like to wish and your families a Merry Christmas and I hope that you have a relaxing break.
Mr Thomas, Head of Stephenson House
Turing House Update |
Happy Christmas everyone! May I take this opportunity to wish a fantastic Christmas to all of you.
I start this newsletter with the amazing news that on the whole House-Front, through a combined effort of students, parents, carers and staff members attendance during term two reached an amazing 100% for 85 pupils. Well done - you are a credit to your families, Turing House and yourselves.
Although the festive time of year, Year 11 have been occupied with mock examinations and are to be commended for their application and perseverance in preparation for the exams and their continued involvement in House activities during this busy time. I hope they all enjoy a well-earned break over the holidays.
As part of my “winter-warmer” I also wanted to highlight all of the amazing and inspirational achievements of Turing House members. I am the proud leader of this close knit community and ably supported by the House Tutor Team. We are also lucky to have Jessica Stanley and Isobel Taylor as House Leaders, who have really played their roles with enthusiasm and commitment.
Also worthy of note are the weekly Tremendous Turings. These students have been awarded this recognition by their tutor for demonstrating one or more of the core values of Turing (Unity, Acceptance and Determination). Their achievements are an example to all. Well done to:
Year 7: Evie Roberts, Eve Osborn, Sabira Caraye and Khianna Palmer
Year 8: Daniel Millward, Chole Buston, Alex James, Michael Sirrell, Joseph Mcloughlin, Phoebe Oakman, Damian Zaru, Henry Fairholm, Daisy Symes, Solanah Morgan, Owen Moss
Year 9: Jess Nelson-Thomson, Ruwada Dahir, Balint Fekete, Hollie Andrews and Adam Britton (twice)
Year 10: Izaac Osborn, Yusra Hassan, Muna Sharif, Max Stevens, Ava Baker, Nana Gyimah-Sarpong, Ty Bristol, Bailey Gardner, Agathe Germann and Isobel Taylor
Additionally, the following named students are the highest Turing praise earners in each tutor group. These students have shown what can be achieved by contributing to school life in every aspect of the academic and wider curriculum.
- Oscar Caton 7T
- Hope Roberts 8T1
- Hannah Lange 8T2
- Matthew Parsons 9T1
- Farida Awil 10T1
- William Parsons 10T2
Turing House members have also shown fantastic commitment in reading, 7T, 8T1 and 8T2 are currently in second place in the Accelerator Reading competition run by Ms Wyld, the school librarian - keep reading Turing!
Turing House members have also excelled in the Inter-House sports competitions, with many successes being achieved in the recent Winter House sports competition. The truly amazing results are down to the incredible turnout and participation levels in each competition. It is proof that Turing House really is one big family.
Year 7 Turing girls are in Fourth Place and boys are in First Place.
Year 8 Turing girls and boys are both in Second Place
Year 9 Turing girls are in Third Place and boys in First Place
Year 10 Turing girls are in Third Place and boys in First Place
Year 11 Turing girls and boys are both in First Place
All of these achievements produces a combined First Place for the boys in Inter House Sport and a credible Third Place for the girls. Even more importantly the OVERALL COMBINED PLACING IS FIRST with a massive 135 points!
On a lighter note, the Fun Fix Friday Competitions (which are well represented and supported by Turing House members) resulted in:
Cup Stacking: Joint First Place
Chubby Bunnies: Second Place
Christmas Wrapping: Third Place
These results also contribute to the overall standings in the Inter House Competition, well done again to all who participate and support.
In summary, I would like to emphasise how fantastic the House achievements have been so far. Turing students must take inspiration from these personal and team successes. Following the well-earned Christmas break, students must return fresh and keen to build on these very solid foundations as we move in to term three.
Mrs Price, Head of Turing House
Yousafzai House Update |
Here we are again - the end of another term!
We are making steady progress with our targets for this year, which are to have the best behaviour ratio and best house attendance. We are joint first for the best behaviour ratio and have the best attendance! Our students need to continue to make the right choice and show how important their education is...... even more precious than a diamond! All Yousafzai students need to aim for 100% attendance for Term 3 and concentrate on getting only those positive praise points.
During the term we have selected the house council made up of tutor representatives and house leaders. I am delighted to have Olivia Wilshire and Elanor Tuckwell working alongside me this year as house leaders. They are exemplary students and encompass the vision and ethos of Yousafzai House.
A huge number of Yousafzai students continue to achieve excellence and some have made incredible turnarounds. Forty two students have won our weekly Marvellous Malala award for having a very good week. Special mention goes to Bruno Thomasset who has the most number of praise points in the house from this term, but is also in the top 10 for the whole school!
We have had greater success in the Fun Fix Friday competitions, most notably cup stacking and Christmas wrapping. We have also had some incredible achievements in house sport; special mention goes to Year 9 who won both the boys and girls competition last week. A huge well done, -we look forward to more wins next year!
It has also been a joy to see some of our students selected to spend Friday break times having hot chocolate with Mr Humphreys. They have been recognised for the excellent contribution they are making to the school. Edie Church and Ellie Herbert were both selected due to their fantastic contribution they make to the eco group.
As always, thank you for your continued support and thank you to all the Yousafzai students who continue to make the right choices each day. I am hoping that you all have a restful break and come back refreshed for a new term. However you may spend it, may you all have a very merry Christmas.
Miss Andrews, Head of Yousafzai House
Parent Noticeboard |
Exams 2019 - certificate collection
All GCSE and A2 certificates will be available for collection from Wednesday 8 January 2020 onwards. You can nominate someone else to pick up your certificates but they will need to bring a consent form and ID with them.
Term 3 dates for your diary |
- 06 January: INSET DAY 5 - School closed to students
- 07 January: Students in school for Term 3
- 11 January: Adventure Club Mountain Biking trip to the Forest of Dean
- 16 January: Year 11 Parent/ Carer Evening, 4-7pm
- 22 January: Years 9, 10 and 11 'Top of the Bench' chemistry trip
- 22 January: PE trip to Birmingham Arena to watch international netball
- 27 January: Parents/ carers association meeting, 6.30-7.30pm
- 28 January: Year 8 STEM trip to Ashton Gate stadium
- 29 January: Year 12 Hospitality trip to Berwick Lodge, Penny Brohn and McDonalds
- 4 February: Years 10 and 11 trip to GCSE Science Live in Bath
- 5 February: Tom Palmer author visit to the LRC
- 13 February: Year 9 Options Evening, 7-9pm
- 14 February: END OF TERM 3
- 14 February: INSET DAY 6 - School closed to students
- 13-21 February: Ski trip to Borgata, Italy
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