St Katherine's judged "Good" by Ofsted
We are pleased to share the news that St Katherine's School has been judged "Good" by Ofsted following their visit in December 2021. The inspection team visited lessons and spoke to students, teachers and leaders across the school; they praised both student engagement and behaviour and highlighted our ambitious curriculum.
Justin Humphreys, Head of School said:
"I am delighted for our whole community who remain deeply proud of all our achievements at St Katherine’s - this recognition is well deserved and owned by our staff, students and governors. Our ambitious and inclusive curriculum continues to deliver for our students and families."
Neil Blundell, CEO, Cathedral Schools Trust added:
"I am so delighted that the very significant improvements at St Katherine's have been noted by inspectors. Leaders, teachers and students have all been working so hard and the school is understandably optimistic and ambitious for the future."
For further information see the Ofsted page of our website and view the full inspection report.