St Katherine's delighted with GCSE results

St Katherine’s students have risen to the challenge of the new, tougher exams .

64% of students achieved English and Maths GCSE grades 9-4 including a number of students achieving the new Grade 9 in English and/or Maths.  39% of students achieved 9-5 grades in English and Maths with 12% attaining a Grade 7 or higher.

A strong series of A*-A success in several subjects – philosophy and belief (43%), statistics (38%), drama (38%), history 34%, Spanish (33%), geography (33%), biology (32%), and French and physics (both 31%) – showcases excellent standards across the school.

St Katherine’s strong vocational curriculum is reflected with many D*-D grades awarded in performing arts (64%), sport (57%) and hospitality (51%).

Justin Humphreys, Head of School said “These fantastic results are a credit to this year group who, in spite of a more challenging curriculum and different assessment format, have coped admirably.  Their dedication and hard work and support from our committed staff has delivered some great results. 

Often the headlines and statistics do not do justice to the achievements of individuals who have overcome challenges with grit and determination.  I am proud of each and every one and wish all our wonderful young people every success as they take their next steps.”