Happy Birthday Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst is the oldest of our house namesakes and would have been 163 years old today!

To mark the occasion there was a Pankhurst Birthday Assembly during which Mr Murdoch, Head of Pankhurst House, gave a presentation on Emmeline Pankhurst's achievements and how she inspires members of the house. After the assembly students from across St Katherine's took part in a quiz; well done to 8Y2 who won a prize of themed cupcakes baked and decorated by the talented Miss Robinson - Pankhurst's very own star baker!

The entrance to the Student Support Office was decorated with green, white and violet balloons, Pankhurst tutor groups used chalk paints to create positive Pankhurst-related messages at key locations around the school and a ‘smashed window’ template to decorate a window with positive slogans linked to voting and equality between the sexes.

Well done Pankhurst House for your inspirational messages, the school site looked great!



Pankhurst Birthday Assembly