Great exam results for Year 13

St Katherine's students celebrated receiving some fantastic results for both A Levels and vocational qualifications in August 2024. Our year 13 students are now moving onto a range of high quality destinations. 81% of the cohort applied to university, 95% confirmed offers from either their first or insurance choices. 26% of students who applied for higher education will be attending prestigious Russell Group universities this September, including the University of Oxford, University of Bristol, University of Exeter and Cardiff University. Of students progressing to HE, 39% are the first generation of their family to attend university. 

A number of students deserve particular recognition for achieving the highest grades:

  • Eugene Lietzau: A*, A*, A*, A - University of Bristol, Physics with Computing
  • Phoebe Luce: A*, A*, A - University of Oxford, English Language and Literature
  • Olivia Ring: A*, A, Distinction* - University of Brighton, Criminology with Psychology
  • Ellie-Mai Herbert: A*, A*, C, D (EPQ: A) - Employment
  • Ruby Walsh: A*, A, B - University of Bristol, Liberal Arts
  • Daud Ismail: A, A, B - University of Bristol, Computer Science
  • Dylan Hewett: A, A, B - University of Exeter, Mechanical Engineering
  • Kanye Christie: A, B, B - University of Reading, Accounting and Business (Flying Start Degree Programme), 
  • Amrit Gill: A, B, B - Cardiff University, Medicinal Chemistry

Justin Humphreys, Headteacher, said:

"Another tremendous set of outcomes for our students at St Katherine’s across both our academic and vocational pathways, representing so many individual success stories. Students deserve this personal succes and we celebrate this success together, with teachers who are rightly proud of the achievements within their classes.

The results students have received today reflect their commitment and dedication to their studies, resulting in many students securing their first choice future pathway. Students are successfully progressing onto Russell Group universities, apprenticeships and great employment opportunities and we wish each and every one of our students much success on the next stage of their journey.

Let us all remind ourselves our students are much more than a grade. They are all exceptional, inspiring, and talented young people and we couldn’t be prouder of each one of our students.  A sincere thank you to the teaching staff and colleagues at St Katherine’s for their professionalism and compassion in tirelessly working in the best interests of our students."

Geraint Davies, St Katherine's Head of Sixth Form, added:

"Once again, an emotional results day with countless positive stories, and an inevitable handful of disappointments. These final outcomes show clear progress from last year and, as our final destinations for the group take shape, we are so excited to see students heading off to world class universities, including Oxford, as well as some exciting apprenticeship opportunities. That over a quarter of our students progressing onto higher education will be attending prestigious Russell Group institutions, and almost 40% will be the first generation of their family to do so, is particularly satisfying. 

Well done, Year 13. We are incredibly proud of you."