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Year 9 inspired by MP's visit and public speaking...

Year 9 students were inspired to pursue their dreams when Dr. Liam Fox, Secretary of State for International Trade...

A level Literature students' exclusive visit to theatre archive

A Level Literature students relished the opportunity to put their analytical skills to practical use when they visited Bristol...

Yr 13 student Jasmine Mahesan scoops public speaking award

Congratulations to Year 13 student Jasmine Mahesan who scooped the "Outstanding Individual Speaker" award in this year's North Somerset...

Ofsted report April 2018 - school media release

St Katherine's School outlines plans for ongoing improvement St Katherine's received a two-day Ofsted inspection at the 781 pupil school...

Student environment group champion eco-friendly school tie.

On the day the government announced more measures to ban plastics our environment group took a major step in...

Purple flowers bloom at St Katherine's School as part...

St Katherine's School has joined Rotary International in its campaign to eradicate polio around the world for good. As part...

St Katherine's welcomes Nicaraguan farmer during Fairtrade Fortnight

St Katherine's was thrilled to welcome Urania Liseth Hernandez from Nicaragua as part of her visit to the south...

Year 8 rise to the Probability challenge

As part of Year 8's study on probability, the Maths team decided to have some fun and tasked the...

Offers for Year 7 places - September 2018

Parents have until 15 March to accept or decline the Year 7 place they have been offered for September. We...

Chemistry students compete to be 'Top of the Bench'

Four chemistry students from Year 9, 10 and 11 accompanied Mr Hodgson to the University of Bristol labs as...

National School Performance Tables - message from Mr J...

You may have seen the national school performance tables published on 25 January 2018.  The tables use the new Progress...

Safer Internet Day - 6 February

To mark Safer Internet Day we are talking to all students in tutor time and assemblies this week about...

Year 9s win Go4Set award

For the last 10 weeks, Year 9 students have been involved in the Go4Set project where they have been...

Music technician required (occasional hours)

The Music department could do with a hand maintaining the school instruments.  If you know how to repair and...

Students watch moving account from Holocaust survivor

Holocaust Memorial Day survivor webcast   To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January students from Years 11, 12 and 13...