Applying to St Katherine's
For all September entries to Year 7, you must apply to the local authority of your home address, regardless of where the school is located.
St Katherine’s is a North Somerset Council school although 70% of our students live in Bristol. If you live in North Somerset you should apply to North Somerset putting St Katherine’s as your preferred choice. If you live within the Bristol authority boundary you must apply through Bristol City Council putting St Katherine’s as your preferred choice.
For in-year admissions places starting from 1st September 2024 only, you should complete the online form and expect a response within ten working days.
Determination of Admission Arrangements 2025/26
In line with the School Admissions Code, Cathedral Schools Trust (CST) has determined (agreed) the admission arrangements for the academic year 2025/26. These arrangements are for children who will be admitted to the school at the normal point of entry for September 2025.
To view the admission arrangements and relevant admission forms:
St Katherine's School Admission Arrangements 2025/26 (11-16 provision)
St Katherine's School Post 16 Admission Arrangements 2025/26 (Post 16 provision)
Supplementary Information Form (staff)
Application for an Out of Year Group Request
Determination of Admission Arrangements 2024/25
In line with the School Admissions Code, Cathedral Schools Trust (CST) has determined (agreed) the admission arrangements for the academic year 2024/25. These arrangements are for children who will be admitted to the school at the normal point of entry for September 2024.
To view a report on the outcome of the admission consultation summarising the responses received and explaining the decisions reached for schools that were part of the admissions consultation within the Trust for the academic year 2024/25 - view the Consultation Report.
To view the admission arrangements and relevant admission forms:
St Katherine's School admission arrangements 2024/25
St Katherine's School Post 16 admission arrangements 2024/25
St Katherine's School Map of Priority Area
Supplementary Information Form (staff)
If you have any queries about any aspect of this process please call 01275 373737 and ask to speak to Mrs Kilgallon or email